Friday, July 28, 2023

Lissanne's Bloodbowl OWAC VI Wrap-up

And another OWAC in the books.   No points this time, but here is what I ended up with:

15 Players including Star Players for the Dwarven team, the Eldorado Goldiggers (the whole team is in the shot- more than the 15)

4 Chaos Warriors and a Beastman Cheerleader to complete the Queen's Marauders team  (oops they didn't make it into the money shot, LOL, I forgot)

16 player Ogre/Snotling team, the Tigers of Scourge, plus Apothocary, Cheerleader, Fans and 2 Star  Players

16 player Dark Elf team, the X-elves

16 player Wood elf team, the Harlequins

4 Hobbits to start a team, the Mighty Ducks

Galak Starscraper, storm giant ref
Two entry towers
And a concession stand!

That's 75 figures all told.  Not the most I've done for OWAC, but far from the least!  And as I mentioned before, I have now painted all the Bloodbowl figs I own at the moment.

 It's the busy season for me, so that concludes my OWAC and my wrap up.  Congratulations to all the other challengers for a great job!


  1. It wouldn't be a proper OWAC without your colourful painting Lissanne!

  2. Congratulations on finishing yet another OWAC!

  3. Very nice project! But I have to say, that giant referee steals it all! Both for the paint and the original idea! (why didn't I think of that before!?)

  4. Wonderful! The narrative around the stalls, towers and giant make this even more glorious! Let's play bloodbowl!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I already said it but I love the "side-sceneries" you made. It is pretty rare for Blood Bowl and it is full of fun ! You made a fantastic challenge !

  7. I used to get rid of the referee as soon as possible when I was playing BloodBowl. That one would have been tough. Great job on your teams!

  8. This was my favourite of the Bloodbowl projects and I really enjoyed the D&D tie ins, especially with the scenery. The Giant Ref is just brilliant pure BB and pure D&D. 10/10 in my book :)

  9. What an excellent Challenge this has been - congratulations 💖!

  10. Colourful and characterful as ever, and the Giant Ref just caps it all beautifully

  11. Agreed. I dig that ref. Not too many contested calls, I would imagine.

  12. Congratulations!!!! All your BB miniatures in one OWAC. And some extra scenery. Well done, mate!


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