Friday, August 11, 2023

Graeme's Skaven - July - Wrap-up

Graeme's Skaven  (266.5 points)

Wow, six months have flown past!

It's been a proper challenge this year. It started with indecision about which army to go for, and included some dips in motivation, severely limited hobby time due to work, and the usual amount of procrastination. Starting to paint with magnifying lenses really helped my eyes, but slowed down my painting when I realised how much detail I had been missing...
While I'm glad to have finished, I really scraped through on the bare minimum of models, and let's not even start on points value...
My plans were much grander, and I just don't feel this year's effort is up to the standard I was aiming for, or really completed - there are loads of details I want to redo, and I still didn't get round to painting up their shields, due to a silly amount of work in the last month.
Still, it's another dent in the pile of shame. I'm a step closer to fielding a proper Skaven army. Progress is progress!

Anyway, here's the end result:

So the final tally is 42 figures, broken down into:

1 Warpweaver level 10 Wizard, armed with a spear - 82 points
15 Clanrats, armed with a hand weapon, spear and (still not done) shield - 97.5 points
15 Skavenslaves, armed with a hand weapon and spear - 45 points
5 Clanrats, armed with a hand weapon and light armour and (still not done) shield - 30 points
6 Giant Rats, armed with malice and evil intentions - 12 points

Which is a whopping 266.5 points in total! I'm lucky this was a special edition of OWAC, or I would have been resting gently and deeply in the field of bones!

Thoughts of OWAC VII are already floating around in my head. I've got to try to come up with a realistic and less grand plan if I'm going to take part next year. I came up with a list of options for armies and the popular vote in the OWAC group pointed to extemely Oldhammer-esque candidates of either Slann or Norse. Now I'm not ruling out another last-minute, ill-advised switch to Skaven again, but those are looking like the strongest contenders so far. Some test models are in the pipeline!
I've also got plans for the next 'special edition' OWAC, which involves a Rogue Trader theme. So the summer months should be busy, prepping as many figures as I can.

Massive congratulations to the challengers who managed to finish the challenge. I'm incredibly impressed with the number of challengers who go above and beyond, with not only well-painted armies, but also huge quantities of figures (and scenery)! I'm envious, but also inspired! Keep it up!


  1. Congratulations on making it through! Sometimes the OWAC is a gruelling survival race, and never a walk in the park, so you did good to still be here at the end with some freshly painted rats to show for it!

    I would like to vote for Slann please, but Norse are also excellent, so either is good - look forward to seeing you in OWAC VII :)

    1. Thanks! Glad I made it to the end.
      Your vote has been registered... :-)

  2. Sometime OWAC is very hard, even more with an horde army. But after all, you should be proud of your army. I'm with StuntCat, Slaan army has my vote.

    1. Cheers! Yeah, happy to be able to add these guys to the horde.

  3. Congrats on finishing, especially after such a tough time through it. I love the muted colour scheme, with the super neat paintjob. It's something I always aspire too, but it must just not suit me. Either way, I love it! Congratulations!

    (my vote would be for Skaven machines, but otherwise Slaan)

    1. Cheers! Yeah, it's maybe a bit easy to get carried away painting all the details on these, but glad I got there in the end.

  4. Congratulations! A lovely looking clan! And a really nice colour scheme!

  5. 42 miniatures is a decent chunk away from the lead pile! I'm glad you made it through the challenge, I like your skaven a lot.
    I cast a bunch of votes for you picking slann for next year

    1. Cheers! Yeah, another chip out the pile!
      Slann are looking pretty likely at this point...

  6. 42 very nice minis though! My Warhammer group includes people who have played for nearly that many years and haven't painted that many minis! :D At it's heart, the OWAC is all about there being less naked lead in the world, right?

    Onwards to the next OWAC! My method is to promise less but to be prepared to deliver more, because sometimes a project goes better, not worse, than you'd hoped ;)

    1. Good mantra! I'm going to aim low next OWAC and hopefully surprise myself... :-)

  7. Your Skaven are always great, and it is a pleasure to see them. Some years are busier than others- you did good with the time you had. Congratulations on another OWAC!

  8. Thanks Lissanne! Glad I got through this one.


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