Thursday, August 10, 2023

Sam's All Star Blood Bowl League - The Final Whistle

So its that’s time of year again where we put a wrap on the challenge. This year was really formative for me as a painter. Painting the classic vibrant BB teams really helped me understand how I want my models to look and where I want to be as a painter. I was always a little afraid of going all in on a vibrant 90s style paintjob and went 80% in or the like. Well, this year I threw caution to the wind and made everything eye wateringly vibrant from top to bottom. I also tried my hand at free handing all the numbers on every team, which was a lot of fun. And from my own perspective they’re some of the best paintjobs I’ve ever done, so really very happy with how things turned out.

And that’s about all I’ve got to say, so on to the pictures:

Don't mind Dave he's passed out on the couch again

My fav team, love how they turned out

Second fav, dwarfs are such fun to paint

The team I had the most trouble with, but beautiful sculpts

Least fav but still real happy with how they turned out

Finally for next year, I’m eyeing up either taking a break or getting some paint on the massive WHF pile of shame I seemed to have accumulated out of nowhere… I mean it’s not like I’ve been buying more miniatures or anything, I would surely never do that!... would I?

Peace out



  1. Great looking teams! Congratulations! Go Team Blood Bowl!

  2. Well, your decision to go all in on the vibrant 90's vibe really, really paid off! I think BB is a great range of minis and game in general to show off that style of painting, and your work genuinely looks like some of the best stuff you would see in White Dwarf back in the day. Top notch red-era Blood Bowl. You nailed it!

  3. Those vivid colours and your wonderful painting make these a joy to behold! The sort of painting you can just enjoy look at for hours. Top work!

  4. The addition of BB teams has been a great idea. And you painted 4 teams in a 90s style. Well done!!!!

  5. Magnificent work. So crisp and poppin', and I echo the sentiments here saying that you could look at this paintjob for a loooong time! Congrats!👊

  6. Really nice work painting these. The freehands are really top notch as are the colour choices. Your vibrant colours fit the Blood Bowl aesthetics like a glove. Congrats!

  7. Straight out of the 90s, and beautifully done. I'd have assumed the numbers were decals if you hadn't said otherwise. So crisp!

  8. Congratulations! Great looking teams!


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