Tuesday, August 8, 2023

OWAC VI Paul D's conclusion to a long haul project

In January, I kicked off with a selection of lesser demons to begin bringing my chaos undivided horde a conclusion

February, saw me add further factions of lesser demons, quickly growing the a reason number of models

March, saw further additions to the horde

I also produces a few extras and overs, in addition to the monthly minimums.

April, saw me add my leader with his Balrog chariot, pulled by another two !

At this point I wasn't counting points!

May, saw further factions brought into the undivided fold.

June, had me painting more figures, but I was in no postion to publish my efforts, so here we are in July with all my new toys, in excess of six thousand points, if, I was to counting.

Apologies for the grim face, but I was in a degree of pain crouched behind my troops

 (Hip replacement due in August).


  1. So much colours and weirdness! Really fun project

  2. Blood for the Blood GOD, Skulls for the Skull Throne!!!! Hell yeah. Solid work.

  3. A riot of colour and murderous intent - wonderful!

  4. That leader is splendidly chaotic! Congratulations on finishing a great looking army!

  5. Congratulations! And good luck with the surgery!

  6. Excellent work that man! This army looks like Stillmania meets Realms of Chaos era Daemons in a way that fills me with nostalgia. Such a great Oldschool vibe!

    I really hope the hip op sorts you out mate! :)

  7. Balrog chariot for the win!!!!! You have done a real RoC project. Blood for the Blood God. And I hope you a quick recovery!

  8. Congrats on finishing an excellent project! I love the RoC vibes and the balrog chariot is amazing.

    All the best with the hip replacement!

  9. I've never seen this approach to lesser daemons before, and it's made me look at the minis in a new light. Original and colorful and I love it.

    Best of luck with the op, hopefully you'll be like a new man for the next project :)


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