Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Ratwig's OWAC VI Close Out

So for this year's OWAC, I managed to get four units and command completed, worth 1338 points. Not much to say that hasn't been already said, except that I enjoyed painting this army. Not sure what I'll be doing for next year's OWAC...

The whole army:

The General:

The zombie plague is still out there! Had a narrow brush with it last month when some friends got it...

Because Spears!

I hope you have a good day while I have a Jack or six!

Ratwig out.


  1. I have loved watching this army come together! Such a good idea, and it looks fabulous!

  2. Congratulations on a great looking army and another OWAC! Can't say I know anything about historical games, but they sure look cool!

  3. Looks like a proper army! The line of shields is great

  4. Awesome work. Congrats on a very productive OWAC. I will have a few or six for you as well. Skål

  5. Sweet job on this army, all the converting and prep is soooo inspiring and well worth it. Congratulations on a wonderful looking force!

  6. Congratulations on another OWAC completed! I also love the more realistic feel of this army, definitely adding something to the OWAC Special Edition :)

  7. Epic spear Pic!!!! And a great army. Congrats!

  8. It's slightly intimidating but makes perfect sense that you are also wielding a spear! Congrats on finishing!

  9. Spears! Shields! Even more spears! So much love for this project.

    Keep keeping The Infected at a spear's distance! Got it myself again earlier this summer, it remains an unpleasant experience.


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