Thursday, August 3, 2023

Ian’s Mordheim - Wrap Up Post

Being out of the country to travel with my family until mid-August, this wrap up post is written from Gent, Belgium, with my iPhone. Not very efficient but it will be done. A big side project this year, family matters and job stress sadly prevent me from achieving 100% of my goal for the OWAC VI challenge. Nevertheless, I am quite happy with this year production as it gives me 4 basic Mordheim Warbands to play with the day I will finally manage to play my first game... The Warpstonegnawers
The Bloody Hood Coven
Khakzog The Unfinished's (and still unfinished) Lost Herd
Johàn von Hallark the First and The Brotherhood of the Cleansing Bastards
What I liked about doing this year´s challenge was the variety of miniatures involved in my choice of probably the best game ever made by Games Worshop: Mordheim. Having more time and motivation, I would have done a personalized roster sheet for each warband (I only did it for the Skaven), a few mercenaries or dramatis personae and some sceneries. Unfortunately it didn´t happened. If I will be part of OWAC VII, I still have quite a few army options... 1. I could continue my Goblin army started in OWAC V with a focus on squigg, machinery and more wolf's riders. 2. I also have quite a load of undead to fill many challenge... 3. This last two years, I collected almost each different big hat Chaos Dwarfs ever made by Games Workshop, with many Hobgoblins, a few chaos creatures, black orcs... 4. A Dogs of War army with many varied units could be nice too. I would like to give a huge thanks, once again, to the overlord Iannick and Byron, his precious assistant, for all the time and energy they invest to make the OWAC possible. Congratulations to all the participants, you are all a source of great inspiration. Cheers! Ian


  1. Congratulations! A very successful OWAC Special Edition and great to see Mordheim represented.

    As someone who has just finished a double OWAC project and completed* an army I would say continuing an existing project can bring much needed motivation and great satisfaction at the end, but also Big Hats with many allies sounds great!

  2. Lovely work on these minis, which let's face it include some of the best GW have produced. You've made good use of this special edition OWAC, that's for sure.

  3. Yes, Mordheim is great fun to play! A wonderful set of armies, and I hope you find many opportunities to play them!

  4. You caught the Mordheim ambience really nicely in the painting and also photography. Cool and interesting project that made me buy more models

  5. What superb warbands! Really makes me want to play!

  6. Superbe projet Ian, j'ai aimé voir une warband par mois

  7. It's been great to follow along, I do not know the Mordheim miniature range at all - the Bloody Hood Coven is my favourite of your bands - cracking stuff, cheers!

  8. Congratulations! Great project and fantastic results. Obviously the Skaven are my favourites, but you did a great job on them all!


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