Thursday, August 3, 2023

Quin’s Debaucherous Dwarfs - Wrap Up

We've been involved forQuite a while nowAnd to keep you secretHas been hellWe're strangers meetingFor the first time, okay?Just smile and say helloSay hello, then wave goodbye

To wrap things up, here is a look at our banner bearer who I finished at the beginning of July. Otherwise, a few photos of Marak Ahlmund and his sex dwarf entourage. Overall I’m quite happy with the results of this year’s OWAC - I feel rather productive painting most of my chaos dwarf collection as well as a few other bits! And as always it has also been a pleasure watching the other armies come together, some really excellent projects this year!


  1. Yes mate! I have totally appreciated the 80s vibe of this one. Bags of character and totally unique! :)

  2. I keep saying how I don't like Chaos Dwarves, but you guys are slowly wearing me down :) Distinctive painting and some weird-ass minis, and I love the carefully assembled and ranked up higgledy-piggledy rock bases.

  3. OMG Soft Cell banner! Love these guys- what's next, Wild Boyz?

  4. You can feel the *ahem* love, that you've put into these, they're looking fantastic on the tabletop. I like the basing throughout - it's inspiring me for next year :)
    Great work - and congratulations!

  5. The colour scheme you picked from the album cover and song lyrics works really nicely and the army looks great!
    Knocking 'em cold in black and gold!

  6. Great project! Super original and rooted in the 80s through and through

  7. Amazing! Never would have thought of an 80s themed chaos dwarf army - it looks great!

  8. "They all love your miniature ways,
    You know what they say about small boys.."



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