Friday, August 11, 2023

Sybou's last stand in Albion (1150 points)

 Hello everyone,

so this is it, end of owac 2023. I got all mixed and thougt we still have one month left.

I finished the challenge without reaching my personal goal and i still have 15 miniatures to do (cavalry ...)

Anyway, i'm glad that i finished my fourth challenge. Thanks to Iannick for the organisation and thank you to all contenders for showing us some really cool armies and miniatures.

So this was my 2nd year of Albion and, as i said, i almost finished the army but 15 guys must not be so hard to do before the end of Summer.

Exhausted but glad ... you hear me ... glaaaad.

I took advantage to get my unit of pikemen done. I had to give them clothes and pikes before painting.

Here is the result:

King Knull and his retinue

King Knull is the sefl proclaimed king of the moors, big strong guy following by evildoers and thugs. This clan could easily be hired by chaotic armies in need of mercenaries.

In the lore, i imagined the King to have a pet hydra showed on the banner. The unit got thug heads and hoods or skulled helmets. After converting them, they made me think of the bad guys in Absolom 2022. King Knull got the face tatoos of one of the brutes.

King Knull inspiration for the tatoos

A real crew of bad guys

 In order to close my post, here is the miniatures painted during the challenge:

A total of 1150 points (Dogs of war army list)

With my previous challenge, I reached a total of 2674 points and I should reach 3000 points with my last 15 miniatures.

I hope you enjoyed my vision of Albion's men and creatures. In my imagination, they're not stronger than regular men and I tried to chose an army list who could represent them well enough. 
I was a bit disappointed of not getting any chariots but i'm really happy with the result.

Take care everyone and see you in our FB group.

Cheers                                                                                                                        Sybou


  1. Congratulations on another OWAC completed! Albion was a really characterful army to see included in the mix and I hope you show us the 15 cavalry in the FB group before the end of the Summer! :D

  2. So great. We need a pic of your Albion army all together. Fantastic work!

  3. These look wonderful together, especially with the giants! Congratulations!

  4. A really great looking army. And so much lovely detail - that tartan looks awesome!

  5. Hello guys, thanks for all your kind words!
    I hesitated to get all the miniatures out for a group photo but life got in the way and I had to rush everything.
    I ll try to do it later :)

  6. Lovely job, congratulations! The group shot is flippin sweet - they look a suitably rugged motley crew. I think the differing heights of the giants really add to this look. Great painting 👊

  7. I like your vision of Albion's men and creatures that just materialized into a really good looking army. I too hope to see a group photo
    Congrats on finishing another OWAC!

  8. An unusual army, great to watch it come together. I'm always terrified of trying warpaint so extra marks for that :)

  9. Congratulations! Great output and an impressive final force!


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