Sunday, August 13, 2023

The dusty dead are done and dusted!


Cutting it fine as usual! Didn’t realise it was the last day of the month, and I’m home alone so you’ll all have to make do with a couple or subpar photos I’m afraid.

6 months and 2340 points of undead done!  I’ve not accounted for any magical items as that’s just the icing on the cake really. Probably wouldn’t be much of a push to get them up to 2500 if I added some particularly lethal swords etc.

Overall I’m pretty happy with how the army looks on the table. It has a unified look en masse which is ultimately what I aim for with an army. Save the superstar paint jobs for gang sized games ( unless you are  Mariano with his gorgeous wood elves! )

This will be a fourth OWAC done and dusted for me as I dropped out of one ( though I did finish it later), and so far I’ve been alternating:

Chaos Dwarves (fantasy)

Squat bikers (40K)

Nurgle (fantasy) *the year I dropped out*

GSC (40K)

Undead (fantasy)

I’m going to be doing another 40K army for next year, just not sure which one yet. I did set up my 3D printer this month so that has certainly opened up some possibilities!


  1. Great army! your red and green colour scheme works really well on skellies.

  2. This was a great example of what the OWAC can produce. Gribbly-Stillmania :)

    Looking forward to another 40K offering from you next year!

  3. Great looking Undead force, even with the icky spiders - and nice to see a horde featured like that

  4. Gorgeous army, I love the style you paint with. It feels crowded and distinct, which is top oldhammer for me. Great job sir!

  5. Great work collecting and painting this army, very unified and good looking! I like the spectral models at the back especially

  6. Congratulations! Great looking army! The spectral horsemen and giant spiders are my favourite units.


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