Friday, January 5, 2024

Mustafa paints a space marine army - introduction post.

 I had a nice space marine army back in the day but stupidly sold it because I wasn’t playing much. 

The regret was palpable :(

But regret is for the weak!!! The strong move forward and create! So, I’ll be doing another space marine army.

Here’s the list I’ll be going with:

Space Marine Captain with power fist and melta gun: 96 points

Techmarine with power axe: 40 points

Tactical squad with missile launcher and melta

Sergeant with chainsword and plasma pistol: 360 points

Tactical squad with missile launcher and melta

Sergeant with chainsword and plasma pistol: 360 points

Rhino: 50 points

Rhino: 50 points

Land Raider: 220 points 

Total: 1176 points

It’s a pretty simple list to start with but I’m planning to add to it over the next few years and will most likely do an assault element for 2025’s challenge (jump packs and land speeders!).

Still not decided which chapter to go with but I’m leaning towards Death Guard at the moment.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen a force using just these oldest of Space Marine sculpts before, for my own Chapter I avoided them in favour of those with the standardised weapons. Nice to see :)

  2. I've loved your pervious armies, and really looking forward to seeing what you come up with for this! Good luck!

  3. Looking forward to see this project advancing.

  4. I hope you go Death Guard. I would love to see your take on them.

  5. Great to see you back! Another exemplar exponent of the minimalist but ultra productive approach to the OWAC and I can see this force is going to suit your gribbly grungy paint stylings. Really looking forward to it :)


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