Friday, March 8, 2024

Slaaneshchild's plaguebeaers, rank and file month (600 pts)

 Hello !!! 

Dirty... dirty february !!! It went so fast ! 

So... I started to paint 3 regiments this month but... surprisingly, I couldn't. So I have only one regiment to show this month, I will do better next month.

Here they are... 14 plaguebearers of Slaanesh Nurgle ! I wanted to make them with different colors, something closer to an ill skin than typical green skin. So I started with a purple base and some splash of contaminated blood...

Next month I will end my second regiments of plague bearers and hopefully I'll be able to mix the colors and models.

Cheers !! 

Points this month : 

14 plaguebearers with champion, musician and icon bearer :  600 pts

Total army in february : 

14 plaguebearers + 28 plague flagellants + Valnir : 1370 pts


  1. Bloody (red) instead of rotten green works much better in these guys. This is the best Nurgle scheme I've seen.

    1. Thank you so much !!! I really don't know where I was going with them.

  2. Papa Nurgle would be proud of this year's OWAC. We have a lot of his blessings among our ranks. Great paintwork. I love that you went bloody instead of rotting.

    1. Thank you ! I hope he is ! I do prefer blood instead of "green glue" it is closer to reality I think

  3. Ewwww! Gross! That is obviously a compliment when it comes to Chaos, and especially Nurgle. Well done! :D

  4. I prefer your scheme over the usual green one. Diseased and disgusting. Nice work!

  5. Good call on the choice of colours! They look suitably unhealthy and it's a refreshing change to the usual greens. Great work!

    1. Thank you master painter ;) I can't wait to paint the others

  6. Great job on these. I sold all my 6th edition Plague Bearers and replaced them with Marauder ones (21 of each, naturally), your painting is making me wish I hadn't. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the force come together.

    1. Thank you, I was supposed to paint marauder ones this month too but it will wait this month

  7. Unusual look, but they definitely look unwell. Great job :)

  8. They look amazing, so much character, nicely emphasised with the paint scheme

    1. Thank you so much, now I am very happy with them !

  9. Niiiice! My favourite is that guy with the massive tentacle coming out of his mouth - great stuff!

  10. Your painting style really fits to these nurgle daemons. They look disgusting and creepy as they're supposed to be.


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