Sunday, April 7, 2024

Byron's Hippy Wood Elves - Rank and File Month (308 points)

Hello Lamppost, 

Whatcha knowin'? Come to watch my flowers growin'? Well too bad. I dropped the ball this month and forgot to sculpt flowers onto my elves before I started painting them. My offering for this month is 7 Archers, a Musician, a Champion, and a mage on a unicorn. 

Below, are the 7 archers, musician, and Aeldryth Joywatcher, the level 5 champion. 

Next, Neanvala Meadowhame, level 5 mage on unicorn. I really like this old Grenadier unicorn (not as neat as the Marauder unicorn), but it has a much less noble/majestic vibe and more of a this-is-a-giant-moose-that-will-trample-over-you vibe.

So, it's a blue unicorn. A Blunicorn as Richard called it. It's an old grenadier unicorn that came with a thick layer of dark brown paint on it. The paint had to come off, but it really opened my mind to the possibility of a non-white unicorn. This seemed to align with the Elves being hippies. Initially, I tried painting the unicorn ochre. But that didn't contrast with the mage's garb. Whelp it had to be another color. So I settled on blue.

Maybe the horn should have been painted red to indicate "danger" like everything else in the red period.

Next month, wild card. I will be painting up a converted treeman, baggage train villager types, painting up the HeroQuest heroes which I didn't finish up in the last OWAC, and my tribute for the secret santa. 


  1. I admit I've been quite sceptical about this project (you may have noticed from my comments!) but I am truly in love with that Blunicorn and with it you've finally sold the army concept to me :)

  2. Awesome as always, mate! The Blunicorn is really lovely

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This poor sick animal - It needs some magic of friendship ;) - there is something wrong with that sculpt :( From the other side this is my personal favorite sculpt of WE mage and the painting is really cool. Merry band of archers is really awesome.

  4. Great month. You are going to have a very vibrant force when you are done. Oh that Blunicorn, what a creature!

  5. That blue works well! I'm not sure the ochre would have had the same impact.

  6. You have really captured the rainbow with your unit much more effectively than I have with my deliberately rainbow themed wardancers - and the Blunicorn is fantastic!

  7. Brilliant! The paintjob is so neat :)
    +1 love for the Blunicorn !

  8. Quite impressive what you're managing to do with the craft paints. Awesome elves and love the unusual colour choice for that unicorn.


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