Monday, April 8, 2024

Filippo's Undead - Wild Card Month


Group photo

Wild card month! Started and abandoned seven times the main units, I ended up doing a lot of terrains and some stuff for the sixth edition army. At least I have a good start for April..

Starting with ten Fell Bats. A nightmare to paint, really

5 Bats Swarm. I'm so happy, I never used them in the early edition, Don't know why, so it's the first time I own them

What is an Undead Army without a proper cemetery? Part of the Sigmarite Mausoleum

A plastic sets of walls and fences

A plastic forest with detachable trees. I was wrong about the fell bats, this is much worse

My precious! A wonderful Wizard Tower handmade by my friend Davide Giurissini. It's a wonderful piece and it was a joy to paint! 

It has a detachable roof too!

After I took the photos, I remebered there were also five more wolves, so this is a picture from outside my garage.

See you in April!


  1. Such a productive and thematic month, kudos.
    I had a load of those giant bats in my 6th edition VC army (now sadly sold). iirc the only thing worse than painting them was getting the buggers to rank up lol.

    1. I played them in a match last week, and after all these years and experience.. it's still a mess to rank them up XD

  2. Bats & wolves needs some scary enviroment :) I really like the tower - it is hard to do nice but useful piece of terrain to WFB. Great month

  3. Great stuff, and lots of it!

    I remember quite enjoying painting my own giant bats, to be honest, but each to their own.

  4. Looks like a pretty productive month. Damn, that's a few bats! The terrain is pretty awesome. I bet it's going to look great as a backdrop for your final photo.

  5. What a great wildcard month! Air support and terrain -- it all looks great!

  6. Top marks for productivity, especially if you didn't enjoy painting all the sculpts - I actually find the OWAC can be really great motivation for getting stuff like that done!

    That tower is fantastic! :D

  7. Here come the bats !!! But where is Batman ?? Brilliant work... and you made terrain as well so it is more than perfect

  8. The scheme ties together beautifully, I like the basing, and the terrain... lovely

  9. Holy moly that Wizard Tower is amazing! Also... that's a lot of models for a month off models! The terrain is lovely and the feral beasts too!

  10. Incredibly productive month. You got some fantastic paintjobs on your terrain pieces and they're pretty cool, but also completed an impressive amount of bats right there.


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