Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chris P's Wildcard Month - The Kan

Ork Dreadnought: 120pts
Painboy with plasma pistol and power fist: 32pts
Mekboy with boltgun: 21pts
Total 173 points


This dreadnought is a bit of a kustom job. I took a beat-up second hand model from 3rd edition 40k, and added glyph plates, plastic Imperial sponson guns, an Ogre banner and a few handy mekky bitz to bring it more in line with a 2nd edition dreadnought. The plan with the paint job was full-on vivid 1990's excess, to create a colourful centerpiece for the army.

The army list requires a Mek and a Painboy to plumb some lucky git into the kan, so I've painted them this month too.


  1. What a cracking job on Da Kan! I appreciate his full 2nd Ed legality with his Mek Boy and Pain Boy enablers. Peak red period vibes. Great job all round :)

  2. Nice kustomisation, full on Orkiness :)

  3. The restoration work really payed off. Having a kustom kan is infinitely more orky than a vanilla one!

  4. I think that fix old miniatures is part of the oldhammer movement, and you did well!

  5. Classic!
    That ol' mek with the claw hand is one of my favourites :)
    I'm looking forward to pictures of the full Waaaagh!


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