Thursday, June 6, 2024

Byron's Hippy Wood Elves - Rank and File (155 points)

 This month I present Lord Forestmane's retinue of noble retainers. I felt like I was phoning it in this month with only 5 models. But it's been a busy month. 

This unit is composed of 4th/5th edition warhawk riders and glade riders atop a combination of citadel elven steeds, a citadel norman steed, and a grenadier wood elf horse. The shields were selected to convey a more 3rd edition feel to match the older horses. The shields were 3d printed and I could still see the layers - curse this foul orc work. I didn't have the bandwidth to sculpt flowers all over them. 

Painting these models was particularly tedious; the riders have many layers in their clothing resulting in each model having many color regions. The final product is a particularly colorful unit. I am not happy with the result, but I am happy to finally have them done. 

I plan to field them as Elven Lords in battles of Warhammer Fantasy 3rd. Their Weapon Skill 5 is particularly potent in 3rd edition. 

Scarlas Forestmane leads his retinue in lance formation, ready to dash at the enemy and break enemy lines. 

Picture of the army in progress. It's starting to come together. 

Next month is my leader month. In theory this will result in a handful of banners. 


  1. Bravo for some professional OWACing. 5 cavalry = 10 models for the county and a solid R&F month. Without your bandwidth we wouldn't have the OWAC running the way it is this year, so thank you for that and don't worry about not sculpting extra flowers. You got it done and that is more than enough reason to be proud :)

  2. Does *anyone* enjoy painting Elf cavalry? I stand by my decision not to bother this year! But you've done a unit, it does add some variety and even more colour to your force, so allow yourself to feel good about them!

    You can always go back and add the flowers, you might find it distracts from the layering of the printer and makes you feel better about the unit. Either way, they are painted, and that's what the OWAC is all about.

  3. There's been a lot of talk on painting cavalry. It's a shame that it's such a pain to paint as they look and work great on the battlefield. Looking forward to the banners!

  4. Flowe power!!!!! 4/5 edition Riders work great on 3 edition horses, never though about It. The mast pic shows us a colorful army!

  5. Congrats on these, they look great and so colourful I didn't spot they were missing their flowers! The army look brilliant 👊


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