Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Jaakko and Forin - Wild card month

A power-board is fundamentally a toy. It is used in the dangerous, but highly popular, sport of sky surfing, in which athletes fly across the skies balanced on flying boards, controlling their flight with body weight and pressure foot throttle. The boards also have a military use, although only amongst unbalanced, maladjusted and battle-crazed troops.

Warhammer 40.000 Rogue Trader

Hello again! I planned to paint a small allied force of Imperial Guard just to justify the addition of a hover tank as my wild card choice but after painting grey uniforms for a few days I changed my mind. Luckily I had some options planned for contingency and which, in hindsight, actually fit the project a lot better.

Let's move into what I managed to paint:

I took it quite easy and wasted some time but managed to finish a squad of five Squats on powerboards who will be used as an alternative Warlord and Hearthguards choice, one Imperial Robot and two Bombots. I also built a terrain feature that I hope to include into the next month.


Five Squats on powerboards. These models are sculpted by Drew Williams and are available from his Satyr Art Studio. The random equipment tables that Squat heroes use actually have powerboards in them but I'm not randomizing these guys, except probably for the grenades.


I actually intended to recreate the powerboard from the Squat with powerboard illustration in the Rogue Trader book. After some research I found out that the board in the picture is made in the likeness of a Santa Cruz Slasher skate board deck. I now have a simplified black and white digital version of the original Santa Cruz art and some printable transfer paper but sadly my printer couldn't handle it and I settled with simple geometric patterns.

Another Imperial Robot, now with the previously mentioned kill banner. I will make the banner more curly after these photos. I'm still looking for two more robots but will probably have to add them after this challenge is over. 

Two Bombots. I was about to convert a few from Daleks before I noticed that Curis from Ninjabread had 3D printed some. The initial plan was to have ten resin prints but as they failed to materialise a friend of mine came to rescue with his PLA printer. They are naturally a bit crude in comparison to resin ones but good enough for the battlefield.

This month in points:

That's it for now. Good luck to the final month!


  1. Yes! This is a truly wild Wild Card month - love the Squat Powerboarders and the additional Robots. I knew I recognised those Bombots from somewhere - they are a great addition. Very Squat like :)

    1. I was in need of a change in pace and I think it shows that I enjoyed this months painting. The bombot STL is not the same that Curis used as his was a personal project. The one used here is from Cults 3D

  2. Some good old fashioned RT silliness, and some more robots. Great stuff.

    1. I'm glad you like to them! I found my love for Imperial robots during this challenge and am eyeing the other models too

  3. Mohawked Soace Dwarfs on Silver Surfer boards and old-school robots, what's not to like?! I've always loved those imperial robits, though I only have their Horuse Heresy reimagenings.

    1. Thank you! I agree, the robots are really really nice models but sadly hard to collect. It would be fun to make a Harlequin project with some repurposed robots one day

  4. I'm getting strong 'Back to the Future' hoverboard vibes, they are great fun

    1. Yeah, and where these guys are going, they don't need roads

  5. Wow, mate! Another absolutely amazing month. Can't tell you how much I love the hoverboarders, especially the fellow with the snazzy white and black striped mohawk! This is pure Rogue Trader

    1. He's my favourite too and it's not a big secret that I love the cover of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay!

  6. Nothing better than a great Wild card. You have one of my favourite Armies of the year

    1. Thank you Mariano, this was a fun month of painting and I've enjoyed putting this project together

  7. Wild riders for a Wildcard! I don't think I've ever seen that Imperial Robot before. Great job with thte paint, and once again - I really like the black and white scheme!

    1. The Crusader? I'm glad if I got the chance to introduce you to my favourite Imperial robot design. I'm quite happy with the scheme too but also happy to paint non white models in the coming months after the challenge!


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