Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mustafa’s Beakies: Month VI, Wildcard

 My army is done and dusted, and way over 1000pt so I decide to keep it simple for my last month.

A single, lonely dreadnought rounds out the army.

175 pts for the walking coffin as he has a power fist with storm bolter and a missile launcher.

He’s as weathered and battered as all his living battle brothers, and much in need of repairs!


  1. Ah, I love those old Dreadnoughts, it's the perfect last addition to your army

  2. They are so ugly that becomes beauty :) Good work!

  3. This fits perfectly with the rest of your force. A well observed exercise in less is more, as long as it's gribbly. Top stuff :)

  4. What a great addition to your force. It defiantly fits in.

  5. Lovely wat to round out the Challenge - looks brilliant :)

  6. The dreadnought is the cherry on top of a great project. Nice work!


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