Thursday, July 11, 2024

PaulM - Mórr's Wild Hunt (545 pts) - R&F Month 4

 I didn't forget, honest...

OK, I forgot a little bit. All month to draft a post and I seem to do it just before the deadline every single month. C'est la vie. 

Quite a productive month for me if I'm honest, didn't get 100% of what I wanted done, eh, done but did achieve a smidge more than the bare minimum. 

First up this month was Groth the treeman. A lovely Trish Carden sculpt that's part of her Harrrowhyrst range, and sold by Footsore Miniatures. This was a gift from my gaming group for my birthday as part of a wee Birthday Club that we've been doing for the last four or five years. I'm slightly ashamed to say that this is the only one of the lovely gifts I've received that I've actually built and/or painted...

Anyway, pictures:

Groth the Gnarled - Treeman - 280pts

Sticking with TC; next up for the month was another six Dryads. I'm straying a bit from the list present in the 4th edition Army Book, which only contained five Dryads, as I'm now up to 16! Which, if I'm honest, is a combination of them being an easy win as far as painting goes (zenithal, drybrush, contrast paints, done) and also the fact that I'm a fan of 6th edition Warhams and the smallest legal unit is one of eight, and if I'm going to do one small unit I may as well do two 🤷‍♂️

The Wizened Ones 3: The Vine'l Countdown - six Dryads - 210pts

Last for the month was five more archers (though they'll actually replace the figures I previously painted up as scouts in the army proper). These are, I think, Aly Morrison sculpts. Not ones I've ever really seen before (likely because everyone just seemed to use the monopose plastics for cost) and I must admit that I struggled with them a little. They are 99% complete, but I did skip the gems in this instance. I'll touch them up (and likely add some warpaint to cover for the fact that I flooded the eye sockets with so much wash I can't pick out their eyes), probably, before the final wrap-up post. 

Pine Glades Kindred - five Archers - 55pts

Now, those of you with eyes, may well have twigged that none of these are yet based. I will say that I'd not intended to leave it quite this long to do it, but I'm now £70 out of pocket on basing materials specifically for this project. Hopefully it doesn't look crap... but I do at least have a plan. 

See you in the wrap-up. Peace. 


  1. Nice to see another one of Trish's new treemen, lovely job. And yes, basing seems expensive when you pay for it all at once, I lost counts of how many products ended up on my bases this year, but it's somewhere around 20... Looking forward to seeing your results soon :)

  2. I really like what you have done with your colour scheme for the tree folk - the glowing green eyes really pop against the dark and lighter bark colours. I'm not sure I've seen those Aly Morrison archers sculpts painted up before either, but it's lovely to see them alongside Trish's sculpts. I also had a TC themed month so it's interesting to see how differently things turned out :)

  3. Finished or not, the paintjob is still 🔥

  4. Great work on the treeman ! I didn't know this range. Now I want to buy them all :D

  5. The treeman is fantastic! A bit more badass than the ones I've seen before fitting well with the style of your army

  6. Groth looks stunning! Wonderful work!


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