Saturday, August 3, 2024

AdamH’s Skaven wrap up post

Another OWAC down, another contingent added to the ratty horde.

Once again I am really pleased with the amount of work I was able to complete during the challenge. I have said it before but I find the challenge a great motivator and I am never as productive as I am during the first six months of the year.

This was my third OWAC representing #TeamSkaven and my sixth overall. But focusing on the Skaven I think I now have about 6,000 points worth minus magic items. A really nice size for an army but not quite where I want to leave them. Therefore you can expect to see at least one more Skaven entry from me in the future, however it won’t be next year, for that I have other plans, green and creepy plans…

Let’s start with the Ansell (RIP) traditional pose:

Followed by some slightly closer pictures of the goods:

Specifically I want to highlight my favourite part of the challenge this year, which is my custom screaming bell. I’m really happy with how it came together and am looking forward to getting it on the table:

So what do the final stats look like for OWAC VII challenge:

Models painted: 139

Total points: 3,284.5

Current weight being held up by the glass shelves in my cabinet: about 10kg

But now is the time to show off what I always enjoy doing when I paint more Skaven for the challenge, get everything out together and see the full horde!

Looking a bit more closely at some of the clan specific sections first up we the terrible machines of war from clan Skryre:

The diseased fanatics of clan Pestilence:

The uncountable hordes of the Hell Pit of clan Moulder:

And finally the warrior clans:

As I mentioned above I still have at least one more #TeamSkaven OWAC in me, in fact I have already started to work out what units I plan to paint. I still need to expand the Eshin part of my force so a couple of units of Night Runners plus one more Gutter Runner unit should take care of that. Plus there are a couple more special characters I want to add. I also have another ten Rat Ogres to paint and two more Doom Wheels.

But as mentioned they are not the plan for next year, that particular plan is already well underway preparation wise.

Oh one other thing that I have been collecting this year as the challenge goes on is these cute little guys from Etsy:

Should you wish to pick up your own you can find them here. I’m not sponsored or affiliated in any way with them. I just thought they were super cute.

Anyway that’s me done for the year, I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me and the other challengers, until next time… squeak squeak man-thing!


  1. Your season was very impressive and the whole army is even more so. It's always nice to follow skaven projects with your massive hordes

  2. Congratulations! That is a truly impressive army! Almost overwhelming to look at haha. I can't imagine how you painted so many models in such little time. Those little plushies are a really nice cherry on top haha

  3. I've got to echo James here; they truly are fantastic...but where do you find the time.

    A beautifully painted collection of figures yes-yes.

  4. An insane amount of models - absolutely glorious!

  5. Finishing that many miniatures without going crazy is a miracle. Your skaven horde is going to be something to praise (well, it already is...).

  6. I love the clan by clan theming of your army, and that custom Screaming Bell is rightly the centrepiece. Cracking work sir! Congratulations :D

  7. Impressive army ! So much cool looking units.
    I like the yellow clothes for the clan rats, it makes me think to Andy Chambers army. I would like to gather an army like this one day, it looks epic.

  8. Such an epic horde, and it all looks so good. A fantastic achievement.


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