Sunday, August 4, 2024

Slaaneshchild tentaculich wrap-up : 6 month of disease, plague and despair

So hhhhheeeeeere we are. 7 months later, with more than 5000 pts painted. What a great adventure !

I didn't have the time/the courage to paint the flies and the pestigors, I will do it later

This army was a great challenge as I am more used to paint dark elves and slaaneshi models, but it was a real pleasure !

I also think more chaos spawns are missing, I will probably do it in the months to come with the pestigors and flies.

I do love all of them, it was so much fun to paint and to convert ! The flagellants, plaguebearers, plague knights, daemon prince, great unclean one... and of course chariots and altar.

I couldn't make a proper wrap up picture this year, with me behind, I add to rush packing my stuff for vacation... but I am all here ! In each miniature, behind each single nurgling, that's all me !!

the horde in it glorious pride 


masters of plagues with army standard bearer

the master of all, Conjonctivus the glorious !

Manson's family

chaos altar of unseen beauties 


Next year ?? 

Good question. I have a side project to convert/create all the special characters for Dark Elves 5th ed army book (when I was a child, dark elves were the poorest army in terms of miniatures, so I will take my revenge by creating appropriate special characters. And Dark Elves are all about revenge, aren't they ?? )

But it doesn't make an army. So I am thinking... maybe rebuild my Emperor's Children, but I want to play them now... Will I be able to wait until the next OWAC ? Will see next year ! 

Cheers !! 


  1. This is a very cool and chaotic project that is distinctively you. I love your conversions especially

    1. Thank you ! The conversions are what excite me the most !

  2. Congratulations! That is an absolutely disgusting (and by that I mean "beautiful"). Every model is so full of character, it's amazing to see them all together!

    1. Thank you James !! I can't wait to make a battle report with all of them !

  3. Such a cool army - all those excellent conversions. Brilliant stuff - congratulations!

  4. Chaos is strong on you!!!! I love the many conversions you have done!

    1. Yeaaaah chaos is in my veins !! mouahaha Thank you Mariano !!

  5. Stunning work! Beautifully gross and peppered with such fantastic conversions conjuring up real Oldhammer style chaos vibes :D

    1. Great, that was my worry : will it look Oldhammer enough ? I am glad you like them.

  6. Bravo to my chaotic fellow for his cool army. At least one of the french guy succeeded in finishing the owac.

    1. Merci !! C'est clair que ça a été une hécatombe !

  7. I love this pastel take on Nurgle daemons, it's a bit different from the norm. Combined with your great conversions and painting it has made for a beautiful army, well done.

    1. You made me the most. beautiful compliment, being outside the norm. Thank you !


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