Friday, August 9, 2024

Skål's wrap up post "Release the Chaos"


Another OWAC in the books. This one was pretty awesome. I feel like I painted up quite a few of the units I have really been wanting to paint for a really long time. I will be using these units for games of 2nd as well as 3rd edition 40k. While I feel like I have accomplished quite a bit, I have only put a small dent in the pile of Chaos I want to get done. With that, the shirt is a hint at what I will be working on next OWAC as I feel like I need to do part two of my Chaos Forces.

Yesterday, I had a package arrive, and much to my surprise, it was a lovely painted miniature from Bill. Thank you very much dude, he will be added to my Dwarf army as a "taller" dwarf. 

Of course, I had to do one more red light photo and I really wanted a photo of the big guy amongst his crew.

These Bloodletters will be a big part of next year's Chaos forces. I may have to paint another 10 just in case.

I think you get a true measure of the size of the Nurgle Chaos Lord when he is standing among his followers. He is going to be an awesome sight on the table and a force to be reckoned with.

I was so happy that this tribute to my Maryland gaming crew came out. I had envisioned them. It was awesome that my buddies chose the Renegade that they wanted to represent them on the field of battle. 

These classic Nurgle Marines were so awesome to paint and I think I am going to have to paint a few more units of them to have the Nurgle tide roll over all who oppose them.

To all of the challengers that completed this grand OWAC, congratulations, to those that have fallen I raise my horn to you Skål.

Khârn the Betrayer will rise next OWAC.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Khorne is with me. (From my shirt in the photo).


  1. Congratulations! Heavy classic chaos vibes with this force, and I totally agree about the imposing Nurgle Lord, he looks great with his mob of icky mucus bags! :D

    I also love the idea for the gaming group renegades and can't wait to see more Khorne units from you next year. It wouldn't be the OWAC without your moody lighting and atmospheric photoshoots! Skal indeed! :D

    1. Thank you. I admit that I enjoy setting the mood for the environments my miniatures are in. To me its all part of the fun of OWAC.

  2. It's good to hear that there will be a second season for your chaos as it's been a pleasure to follow this project. It shows that you have enjoyed yourself painting these guys

    1. Jaska I have some serious painting I would like to get done for this army that was affected by my move. Next OWAC will be me playing catch up to where I want to be.

  3. Such a great project, some of the best WH40k miniatures ever made and each presented perfectly. Glad to hear there will be more!

    1. I think the old range of Chaos Marines set the standard for a lot of us who got into the hobby during that time.

  4. Fantastic army, man! Love how genuinely scary you've been able to make these (admittedly) kind of goofy models. The varied, colourful squad of Chaos Marines is also just the kind of thing I want to see. You should be very proud!

    1. While some of the sculpt's may be goofy to todays standards they continue to hold a special place in may RT gamers hearts. I had such a blast painting them and look forward to painting patron specific units next OWAC.

  5. So much chaos! Absolutely perfect! Great army!

  6. Wow, some really great work here! Inspirational too - I should get at my pile of unpainted Renegades. Question though - the Rhino looks cool, what is it exactly?

  7. Great work! Really like how you managed to paint the 30k Rhino to match the old miniatures style, it fits really well. The Plague Marine are pure perfection!


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