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Some concept models... |
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Sigmar, leading His tribe in battle. |
So here we are. My First OWAC. I wanted to join since the First time I heard of it, a couple of years ago, so I took courage to ask and FINALLY i'm here... Before digging in the project itself, a Little something about myself: Im a 40 y.o. modeller and painter, based in north-east Italy. I said modeller First because I do love making and converting or simply put together stuff more than I like to paint (the boring part, imho) but most important I am NOT a player. Not anymore, at least. I used to play warhammer fantasy 5' and 6' edition, the best ones, but I was Always in love with old lore, models and artwork, not to mention the old panting style. Thats why I'm here. The project I will present is not exactly ment to be played, or at least not with the 3' edition ruleset, so I Hope not to mess up totally with the points and composition rules..
So onto the project...
"In a time before time, mankind was the prey. hidden in Shadows and Fear, men and women shivered against monsters and animals; the Orcs from the plains and the Fimir from the swamps. But those were only the lesser threat for humanity, for many horrors more lurked in the darkness"
"But then a child was Born, under the miracle of a two-tailed comet, a child destined to gather the sparse tribes of men and lead them in a new age of Hope...
I Always liked the dark ages, the barbarians and such. In almost every setting (especially in Conan lore and his child Warhammer) and in our actual History, so obviously, my first steps in the miniature were when as young boy I first bought some Mirliton's blister of Mark Copplestone metal barbarians in a store in Florence and then my passion was born. More than 25 years have passed since then and FINALLY I have the chance to gather my old models and build a proper army with the skill set and the possibilities I have now.. so I stripped some old painted models, kept some other I still like and made a rapid count. Not enough.
So I bought some reinforcement, very glad to discover that Mirliton is still on business and still produce in metal the old range I knew and love. So new oldschool lead It Is. And also now I have no moral issues in modify or convert those Barbarians.
The concept is simple.
I wanted a barbarian force, with beefy naked savages in the good old '80s style, and import it in the Warhammer world to represent the hard boiled people before the unification, before the empire. In those turbulent times of Legend. Can I make something cooler than this? Surely not.
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If you think there is something more epic in Warhammer, you are WRONG |
And so, After opening some blisters like I were 15, I FINALLY came up with this:
Here some warriors and leaders, still to be sorted. I plan to make one or two warbands with banner and such..
Barbarian cavalry. Some more armor on them, maille, mainly, but will work. Those count as the elite warriors of the tribe.
Barbarian hunters, those will be skirmisher. I plan to mount on round bases to better fit that role.
A Little oddity: a metal recast of THE BARBARIAN, the One that need no further presentation... I honestly dont remember were he came from or when I bought/found him, but that is a cool add to my project, even if it is not an original cast. He is metal so I let him in.
The force so far. Still missing some leaders, a couple models more and conversions, but I have already some plans to spice them up... (And a couple of Surprises left on purpose out of Pic)
Still Im unsure if I want to include a model for Sigmar himself or not: I also love the idea that the Hero of mankind is not even born yet, and so using his father, Björn Unberogen as a warchief .. lets keep this for the future (and if I find a suitable model)
After a long long decision process I FINALLY chose to refer to 3rd edition chaos army list. I know, I know, is chaos and shouldn't be, but honestly I think that the only units vaguely similar to barbarians in the period GW ruleset are Chaos thugs and marauder, or at least as far as I know, so I build a "count as" army, knowing for sure that human tribes BEFORE the empire were not that different from the Norscan, at that time before time. I'm still new to these rules and still have no idea how to define Heroes, command groups and such, so I want to keep stuff as simple as possibile. Here the main pages of the book.
The only rules composition I really understood is that I must have less points in Heroes than in troops, easy. I still Plan to NOT play with this ruleset, but when my kids grow up enough we surely field those barbarians, most probably with another system or at least whfb 5 or 6 ed . Enough words, here the list.
*) name (count as): equipment. Points
-----------Heroes and command: Total 467--------
1) barbarian leader (Chaos champion): 2 hand weapons, heavy armor. 130pt
2) barbarian leader (Chaos champion): two-handed weapon, heavy armor. 130pt
3) barbarian leader (Chaos champion): hand weapon, shield heavy armor. 129pt
4) barbarian banner bearer (chaos champion): hand weapon, army banner, heavy armor. 178pt
----------------Rank and files: Total 1106-----------------
1) barbarian warband (20 chaos thugs): 2 hand weapons, light armor. 180pt
2) barbarian warband (20 chaos thugs): hand weapon, shield, light armor. 180pt
3) barbarian cavalry (10 mounted chaos thugs): hand weapon, light armor, shield 180pt
4) barbarian secret unit, to be revealed in wild card month. 376pt
5) barbarian hunting party (10 chaos thugs): hand weapon, light armor, bow. 100pt
6) barbarian hunting party (10 chaos thugs): hand weapon, light armor, javelines (throwing axes). 90pt
Further details of unit names and composition in the dedicated entries.
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An Unberogen Warrior |
OK, so . I think have enough meat on the grill.. for now. I dont plan to add something else in the future, but Who knows? Six months are long to pass, maybe i Will find something cool, maybe i Will change my plans... I still have some ideas and Surprises. This season Will be wild!
See you soon. Keep yourself oldschool..
Oh yes! I love Copplestone's minis, and this is the perfect use for those barbarians. And using the 3rd ed Chaos list is an inspired choice (as long as you lay off the Chaos Armour and Demonologists ;) ). I'm quite envious that you live in the same country as Mirliton (currently waiting for an order to get to me in the UK.)
ReplyDeleteThe army selection rules are quite simple: up to 1/2 of your points can be characters, and at least 1/3 have to be Rank and File troops. The rest can be made up with more ordinary troops or with Allies, Mercenaries or Hosts. I think you're unlikely to use those, although Dwarf Allies might be thematic?
I actually have some preslotta gw dwarves and some reaper ones, bu not enough to form a unit, i think, but i like your idea, lets see how It develops. I have dumped my copplestone shaman in a closet, because he Is too chaotic, so yes, no chaos stuff (even if with some adjustment we May rename something like "barbarian sacred armor" for ex, but i dont plan to do so).
DeleteI am also a big fan of Copplestone's sculpting, and I think these figures are a great example of his work. I'm also a fan of the "historical" past of the warhammer world. I've been thinking about a similar (but smaller!) project, so I am looking forward to seeing your army progress. As far as the army list, I feel that everyone should use whatever fits their army concept. This seems to work!
ReplyDeleteDark Age Is cool af. Im looking forward to see your idea, when It starts
DeleteWelcome aboard! Really interesting project and great set of minis. The army list choice of Chaos Thugs/Marauders actually makes a lot of sense. Looking forward to seeing what you produce :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!! Love this community!
DeleteThe army list is just a framework and the chaos list does the job. The history of old world is interesting and a great choice for a project. Do you have other army ideas for the period?
ReplyDeleteNot atm. I already have many 6th ed orcs painted to face my Unberogenes, but It Is very likely i Will build/paint some older ones as i find them. Lets see what in next seasons i May find
DeleteNice collection of old lead! Looking forward to seeing your progress! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAgain, a classic selection of figures, looking forward to see what you do with them.
ReplyDeleteStay tuned 😉
DeleteBarbarian host. Old models from way back when. Still in production. Heroquest.
Good luck with the challenge!