Friday, January 3, 2025

Jaakko and Rugluk Backstabba - The Tragedy of Rugluk - Introduction


Prologue - The Prophecy

The cave was damp and smoky, its walls covered with green fungus. Three goblin shamans squabbled around a bubbling cauldron, their crooked staffs clacking as they stirred the vile brew.

“Oi, stop shovin’! I wuz stirrin’ first!” snapped Snaggletooth, the runtiest of the trio.

“Shut yer gob!” snarled Snotwort, his eyes bulging. “I ain't got time fer snivellin’ grots like you!”

“Shut it da both o’ ya!” added Grotilda, the oldest and meanest, jabbing Snotwort with her staff.

The cauldron bubbled violently, and all three shamans fell silent, wide-eyed. The green smoke rising from the pot coiled into the shape of a serpent and a deep, cold voice filled the cave.

“Lisssten…” the Wyrm hissed, its words slithering into the shamans’ ears. “Karak Ssskarsssong lies fat with gold, weapons, and meat for the taking. But it will not fall to jusst any brute. No, no... a chosen one is needed…”

The shamans shuddered as the Wyrm’s smoke shifted.

“Find Rugluk Backssstabba,” it whispered, each syllable drawn out like a blade dragging across stone. “He isss the one with fangsss sharp enough to tear down the dwarfss... the one who will bash their gatess, take their treasures, and feast on their ruinsss.”

The Wyrm’s voice deepened.

“But beware…” it hissed, the smoke curling into a dark spiral. “Even the mightiessst fangsss can break when they bite too hard...”


Rugluk Backstabba lounged on a pile of bones, sharpening his blade, when a scrawny messenger skidded to a halt.

“Boss! Da shamans sez you’re da chosen one! Da Wyrm picked ya ter bash da dwarfs!”

Rugluk grinned. “Chosen, eh? Bout time someone saw wot's wot! But tell ‘em if dere’s no shinies, dey feels it in dere hides!”

'Ere we go again! OWAC VIII is upon us and the frantic painting is about to start. I've dreamed of painting a horde of orks for some time now and really can't wait to start. However, as I'm sure you agree, there's way more here than I can finish in a single season. The plan is to accomplish painting these in the next two to three seasons.

The Orc and Goblin horde of Rugluk Backstabba

The theme of this project is a besieging horde. This is seen primarily in the large amount of war machines and big guys. My purpose is to delve into Warhammer Siege during this season as a side project.

The exact unit composition will probably vary slightly but I start with the guideline below. Points for gear is not included yet. (Except for the x-bows for some reason.) The army standard bearer is with the Spike-Can Commandos in the pictures.




The list above is subject to minor changes as there might be some small mistakes there. I'm not at home when I'm writing this and had to count the models from the pictures. Also, I'm still waiting for some reinforcements that didn't make it before the start of the season. The missing models contain savage arrers, gobbo wolf boyz, gruntas and some broken orcs to make standard bearers from.

I could not resist giving this preslotta Grom the Paunch a chariot in the style of his modern counterparts

Tom kindly gave me lots of reinforcements to the ranks of Grom's Goblin Guard. Painting these guys is a priority.

Finally and most importantly, I wish all the challengers the best of luck! Let's make season VII, the OCHO, a season to remember.

See you next month with the first painted figures!

George's Bad Moonz - Introduction Post

Big Gobb was big. He was big and he had a big gobb. So big that when he shouted about his greatness, orcs listened. And he loved nothing more than shouting about his greatness.

His father had been a great military commander, leading an ever growing mob on a ceasless campaign of plunder and destruction. But since he had died and Big Gobb had taken over, the mob had shrunk and every campaign had ended in defeat and disaster.

In the doomed campaign of OWAC VII, Big Gobb had lead his mob into the Field Of Bones and few had escaped. Now he really, really needed success. Or at least to avoid another catastrophic defeat...

OWAC VII didn't go very well for me. I finished one model (Big Gobb himself) and was lying broken in the Field of Bones by month two.

This year I want to continue with Big Gobb's space orcs. I've simplified the army a bit and hope that will help. There is a galaxy of real life reasons that suggest I should stay well clear of an intensive painting challenge, but I'm going to try anyway!

I'm continuing with Bad Moonz. I love their garish colour schemes, and the large number of weird boyz!

Lore, lists and points come courtesy of the classic WAAARGH The Orcs and Freebooterz books, as well as vintage White Dwarf.

The boyz are largely made up of plastic models from the 1990 space ork box set. I scored this on ebay and it had nearly 60 miniatures (the original box had 36). Most had been brilliantly converted by a 10 year old and it broke my heart taking these creations apart, but I hope to do them justice.

I then have a smattering of original GW painboyz and mekaniaks. And an original nob in power armour, a gift from the wonderful Jaako, a fellow OWAC challanger. Additional minis come from Old School Miniatures.

Weirdboyz are mainly formed from Knighmare Miniatures, with a cheeky wizard from the Hero Quest expansion pack.

And then I have a crew of freebooterz. These are formed of Warmonger Miniatures (fantasy arm of Wargames Foundry) and Meridian Miniatures.

Armour comes courtesy of the ever brilliant Ramshackle Games.

I'm very excited to get painting and to see the other challengers' armies taking shape. It is an honour to take part in the Old World Army Challenge and I cant wait to get going!

 Big Gobb's Big Mob!

-Warlord - 90 points
-warlords retinue: 
   5 x clanbosses - 175
       Power armour, 6 x 5 = 30
   Melaniak - 15
   Painboy - 15
   4 x weirdboyz - 200
-10 x big mob boyz - 100
  Heavy plasma gun - 75
  Power glove, 2 x 30 = 60
-5 x boys - 50
-6 x gretchin - 30
-10 x mad mob boyz - 50
-10x freebooterz - 100
-Rhino - 350

-Total: 1,340

OWAC VIII Intro Post - Pablol's Imperial Guard

This will be my first OWAC. I was originally planning on building a 2nd edition Emperor's Children army, but changed my plans last autumn. As there seems to have been so many Slaanesh armies recently, I decided to go for a 2nd edition Imperial Guard army. I got back into miniature wargaming two years ago with a few Mordheim campaigns and started collecting some old miniatures I never had when I was younger.

Second edition 40,000 has always been a sweet spot for me. I started collecting 40k at the end of 3rd edition, played mostly during 4th edition and stopped sometime at the beginning of 5th. I remember spending one summer in the mid 2000's playing Necromunda with my little brother and dreaming of one day also playing 2nd edition 40k. Already back then a lot of codices and books were quite well available as diy pdfs.

I lived in Scotland from 2009-2012. Ebay prices weren't as wild as they are now so I managed to buy the original Necromunda books and a few 2nd edition 40k books. I also bought a few gangs worth of figures. For this army I'm going for a mid 90's Imperial Guard look, but with lots of tanks. My infantry will be based on Cawdor gangers, but I haven't decided yet if they will be fanatics, heretics, cultists, or something else. I'll leave my wild card month to define their alignment with some allied forces.

Tanks aren't quite finished, few models are still missing limbs and I haven't primed anything yet, but I think I've got everything I need to finish a complete army.

The 2nd ed. Imperial Guard force organization chart is quite complex as it’s a combination of command HQ hierarchy and the standard Army selection percentage limitations.

The three Imperial Guard units and three tanks should cover the monthly requirements and add up to almost 1000pts. The Imperial Agents will be a nice bonus to get past the 1000pts. I do also have some more tanks, but that would mean quite a lot more infantry to paint.

I test painted one Cawdor. They might end up looking something like this.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Pokrzyw's Sisters of Battle - Introduction Post - OWAC VIII

 It's glad to introduce myself third time. I've finished two editions (V with High Elves and VII with Dark Elves). I was pretty sure that this time I would not gather enough models for participation (especially that V edition Vampires are banned). But.. I dig into my boxes and I realised that I have some Sisters of Battle still unpainted. This time there will be no elves. Time of holy trinity (bolter, flamer, melta) is coming.

I'm Piotr Krzywicki, living in Wrocław (Poland). Sisters of Battle was my first love in dark nineties. Unfortunately I have no enough funds for playing two games. That time i stay with WFB. Codex Witchhunters, plus 6th edition of WFB causes my turn to Dark Milennium. I sold Bretonnians and bought first boxes of Sisters of Battle. I played them until plastic Sisters was introduced.. My huge optimism was put out. I turned back to WFB. For WH40k I have Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and some inquistitorial forces, some support gives Imperial Knights. In case of WFB you know my High and Dark elves for 4th edition, but in addition I have some newer armies: all kind of elves, Empire, Dwarves and Bretonnians (still in boxes after ToW release). Vampires still somewhere in plans.

Sisters of Battle for 2nd edition is designed as support army. Very limited options caused that all time there would be more and more sisters. Let's try to brake this convention using some 3rd edition inquisitorial force in Wild Card Month and huge gang of Necromunda Orlocks as a mob of frateris militia band.

A few models are painted, some partly painted. All of them would be washed to pure metal :o)


Leader's Month (473)

  • Canoness (combi-flamer), Bodyguard Unit (5), Banner Bearer - 315
  • Missionary (shotgun) - 25
  • Redemptionist Zealot as a Preacher (chainsword)- 12
  • Redemptor Kyrinov, Arch-Confessor - 121

Rank & File 1 Month

  • Battle Sisters Squad (veteran sister superior power sword, 4 sisters, specialist meltagun, specialist hflamer) 232
  • 3 additional sisters to fullfil 10 models/month

Rank & File 2 Month

  • Battle Sisters Squad (veteran sister superior power sword, 4 sisters, specialist meltagun, specialist multimelta) 261
  • 3 additional sisters to fullfil 10 models/month

Rank & File 3 Month

  • Battle Sisters Squad (veteran sister superior, 4 sisters, specialist flamer, specialist hflamer) 228
  • 3 additional sisters to fullfil 10 models/month

Rank & File 4 Month

  • Frateris Militia band (mix of weapons, hstubber, boltgun,2xshotgun) - 108

Wild Card Month

  • 10 models (2 inquisitors, 8+ henchmens) 

TOTAL 1302 points (w/o inquistorial warband and additional sisters).

Extras - some ladies that are not in army. Including that one from the best picture from cover of codex in WH40k universe - canones Veridyan!

It is core of my army. There are some options to include some SM allies or vehicles (rhino/immolators) as a support - the matter is about availability of purchasing miniatures. If wild card month goes smoothly maybe some 3rd edition repentias would be on table.

I wish good luck to all OWAC8 participants!

Ian's Undead, take two - OWAC VIII

Here we go again ! After two great OWAC (V - Goblins and VI - Mordheim) and one fail attempt (VII -  Undead), I am back from the dead for more Undead. 

My name is Ian McMurray, from Montreal, Canada. I rediscovered the hobby about 6 years ago, after a 30 years hiatus. I was quickly draw back to the WFB universe and mostly miniature painting, buying an absurdly amount of lead over those last few years. Enough for a few life time and probably up to OWAC XXX. Undead, Goblins and Chaos Dwarfs are my main interest but I also acquired quite a few Chaos, Empire, Bretonnian miniatures... 

As I know my time will be limited, this year's challenge will be quite simple. I will try to achieve the OWAC VIII with the most basic plan, leaving room for a few extras if time allows it. The list is from the Warhammer Armies 3rd edition book, where the Screaming Skull Catapults are considered as rank & file...

So here's the plan :


Leader : Level 15 Vampire - 475 points


I will spent two weeks in Brazil so probably a wild card month


Rank & File : 10 Skeleton Archers - 120 points


Rank & File : 10 Skeleton Archers - 120 points


Rank & File : 10 Ghouls - 80 points


Rank and File : 3 Screaming Skull Catapults with crew (255 points)

Total point : 1050 points

Possible extras

1 x Liche
4 x Bat Swarms
4 x Wraith

An additionnal Screaming Skull Catapult and a missing Ghoul are on the way...

A great and wonderful year 2025 to everyone !


Feral obscenity and the vilest depravation, here come the Minotaurs of Slaanesh ! Introducing Slaaneshchild next infamous project...

So here we are !! Another OWAC !! I had in mind to build a dark elves army with only dark raiders and dragon riders. But unfortunately, I am a bit short on money at the moment so I can't afford it. I had in mind this project of "only big creatures"... so I unearthed them an I realized I had an entire horde of minotaurs (and friends).

Humm... And what can be more depraved and repulsive than a minotaur dedicated to Slaanesh ?

It works pretty well with my other projects as I did Warriors of Slaanesh for my first OWAC, Daemons of Slaanesh for my second OWAC... this one come beastmen and minotaurs, this is pretty obvious.

Of course, the horde will gather around a Keeper of Secret, this is mandatory to me and KoS looks like a minotaur. 

I am also thinking of making a daemon prince, like a former minotaur champion that has risen to daemonhood.
I will have 2 packs of minotaurs, some ungors also, and some Slaangors. 

I have also this RP Box that I do want to paint. Those miniatures are dream I couldn't afford when I was a child. So today I am realizing it !! I will play them as harpies. Maybe I will make a regiment of renom of my own.

I have converted Fenryll ogres into minotaurs. And here is their "king" :D 
I wanted to make a minotaur shaman, but without creating rules, so here he comes : a minotaur hero with the crown of sorcery... I tryed to make as ridiculous as possible and I am pretty proud of me, he looks scary. He reminds me Art the Clown in Terrorizer. 

I also made a minotaur daemon prince... He will be my minotaur lord.

A keeper of secret is also sneaking around...

Behold the master of the Horde !!!!! 

The kinkiest baggage train ever !!!! 

In Provence, we have a legend of a monster name "La Tarasque". It was supposed to live in the swamp between Avignon and Arles during the Middle Age. I had this weird miniature and I decided to add it to my horde. I will play it as a medusa or an hydra.

My beastmen. Some are creatures from RAFM and Metal Magic Dunwitch Detective range, some are very old citadel minatures, some just oldhammer stuff, It will work well together.

Here are my ungors/lesser beastmen/thug, depending on which edition I am playing with. They are orcs from LotR from RP range I think. Those miniatures are fantastic. I am impressed by the lever of detail.

Everything comes to an end, here is my army list ! (4th ed army list)

Minotaur Lord (Minotaur Daemon Prince)                                            380 pts
Minotaur Hero (Shaman with Crown of Sorcery)                                  240 pts
Minotaur Champion                                                                                110 pts
Minotaur Champion                                                                                110 pts

Keeper of Secrets                                                                                    750 pts 

6 minotaurs with banner (additional weapons)                                       287 pts
6 minotaurs with banner (2 handed weapons)                                        294 pts

18 Slaangors with banner (2 handed weapons)                                      240 pts
30 chaos thugs/lesser beastmen (shield and spear)                                224 pts
12 Harpies                                                                                              180 pts

1 Tarascus (count as Gorgon / Hydra)                                                    110 pts or 200 pts
Total :  2925 pts or 3015 pts !! It looks almost like a genuine army list ! 

That's all my friends ! I hope you'll enjoy following this project. Can't wait to see yours !

Laurent, (Slaaneshchild)

Tom's Orcs and Goblins - Intro Post

The Old World Army Challenge 8...
Holy moly it's come round quick!

I had quite a few armies that I wanted to do this time round, not least being to add to my Dwarfs from way back in OWAC 2 (link). I was so enthused with this that I couldn't wait and painted up a unit of marauder clansmen, some imperial dwarfs, a bolt thrower and a few extra things. This now equates to the most amount of painting I have done outside of the Challenge itself! I've a few more Dwarfs things to paint up, but as is always the way, the motivations waned and the enthusiasm dried up. Maybe next year!


Whilst in the process of moving house last year (everything's settled in at my new home now), I sold all my orcs and goblins as I had too many from the WFB days mixed in with the 3rd ed Kev Adams classics. I thought that I'd never get round to them, so I sold them on. I am deeply regretting selling my old WFB orc boar boys. 
I did keep, however, a regiment of each of the monopose plastics and a few metal models to flesh out an army JUST IN CASE! A prime motivator for this was that a previous OWAC challenger (who's name escapes me now), gifted me a unit of goblin spearmen with the caveat that they were to be painted as part of an OWAC. Many thanks to this donor, who's models are pictured in amongst the others below! 

I've pumped for the old BattleMasters ogres for that monopose vibe (and they were much cheaper than metal ones!). I had an old Drew Williams/Satyr Studio 'remastered' Cloud Giant, based on the original (which is still available via Ral Partha (link)), who I thought would add some flavour. To be fair it was a toss up between the giant and the classic wyvern, and after consulting a friend, pumped for the giant.

The army general is the Goblin on Gigantic Spider, in homage to the Orcs vs Dwarfs battle report in the Dwarf Army book. The dream will be to eventually recreate this army on both sides, and quite a few of the planned models will go a long way to making this a reality, although the sticking point for me is trying to source the orc boy regiment... Why oh why did I ever sell my old minis 😂?

Here's my army list, with points. I always initially hand write it out, so I thought I'd just snap a picture and post it

The points are taken, naturally, from this Orc and Goblin Army Book 👇

And I'm aiming to follow the paint guide contained within.

I have memories of me pouring over this image and trying to equate stage 3 with the previous stages 😂
Anyhow, here's my best effort at it, without the digital background👇. I am lacking shields - they seem to be too pricy/hard to find, but they'd be easy to add at a later date... I am also betting on the fact that my paint will simplify down over the course of the batch paint. I might try and do the old trick of just painting up the front row to a good standard, and then just basecoats for the back ranks, but we'll see how we go.

Note that I've gone for a brown base trim. No real reason. It'll probably grate at some purists 🙂👌. The brown covers a lot better than the green, so that's a plus. 

Here's a quick breakdown of paints used (primarily so future me can look back and try and match the paint if I add more!)

Skin: GW Moot Green / GW Warp Lightning Contrast / ProAcryl Warm Yellow / ProAcryl Bismoth Yellow / Pro Acryl Light Ivory / GW Leviadon Blue Contrast

Tunic: ProAcryl Orange Red / GW Flesh Tearers Red Contrast / ProAcryl Warm Yellow / ProAcryl Bismoth Yellow / ProAcryl Light Ivory

Metals: Vallejo Metallic Black /  Vallejo Model Colour Silver / GW Black Templar Contrast

Bone: GW Mornghast Bone / GW Skeleton Horde Contrast / ProAcryl Light Ivory

Black: GreenStuffWorld Black Stallion / GW Black Templar Contrast / ProAcryl Warm Ivory

Grass: AK Grass Green / ProAcryl Camo Green / ProAcryl Warm Yellow / ProAcryl Bismoth Yellow / ProAcryl Light Ivory

 Base Rim: GW XV-88

There's a good chance I might switch the base rim over to Steel Legion Drab. That seems to be the one everyone uses and I've yet to pick up a pot. The Leviadon Blue used in the skin is just like a blackline around the teeth, eyes and fingers.

The models are all undercoated white with Halfords rattlecan (UK). Based with a fine sand which is glued on with Gorilla Wood Glue, and then a soaking of Woodland Scenics scenics cement when dry to fully stick the sand down. Water and pva work for this too, but I had some scenic cement to hand and wanted to try it out! 
The bases have a magnet underneath which is a N52 neodymium magnet measuring 5mm x 2mm, which is stuck down in a kinda greenstuff/super glue sandwich. Base, super glue, blob of greenstuff, superglue, magnet. Pushed down flush with the back of a wooden paint brush handle. Having the bases magnetized really helps me undercoat them, as I can line them up on a metal ruler without fear of them falling off. Storage and transport is much easier too.
I'm going to varnish these with three thin brush on coats of Vallejo Mecha Satin.

Here's a few prep pics, for the pic god:

This is the workspace👇. As ever, pushed by the mess into a few inches square to do actual work! I'm about to do the base magnets, so the magnets are stuck up like that so that I know which way up they are 

Wet the blade before cutting the greenstuff - it makes it easier 👇

And then I thought I really should do something about the gaps in the troll miniatures, so a bit of the leftover greenstuff is smushed in there👇. The integral bases of these models have been glued down ontop of another base, and then leveled out with plenty of milliput. I couldn't face delicately cutting away the original base 😂

And it's been a while, adding sand to bases. After a while I realized that wiping the base edges with a finger after applying glue (but before adding sand), helps with having a nice crisp edge. I left the rogue sand on the feet - removing it seemed like a detail to far for me...

Just in case I manage to paint more than I've planned, I do have a few extras of all the monopose...
I'd also like to paint the shaman from Warhammer Quest's Lair of the Orc Lord, but first and foremost is that I'd like to make some era appropriate terrain. Think flocked battlefield with trees and hills. There's a slim possibility of a few houses and fences too 😬🤞

Here they all are in their storage box, ready for their paint! 👇

And that's me done. Just got to try to stay on target now and not get sideline by any other hobby project! 
See y'all in Feb! 


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