I've always had a soft spot for the dwarves. I think it goes back to those wonderfully characterful Perry sculpts from the Golden Age of Games Workshop.
When I worked as a Mail Order Troll in the mid 90's my staff sale purchases often contained at least a few dwarf minis and by the time I left Geedub in 2004 I had a big mail order box full, weighing many kilos.
Since then I've painted a few hundred but there always seem to be more in the bottom of the box (it probably doesn't help that I kept acquiring more lol). So this OWAC I decided to drag the box out and put together a dwarf army from what I still have unpainted.
The Mystery Box of Dwarven Minis...
I unfortunately painted Prince Ulther by himself many years ago - not realising that I would later need him for an OWAC ! You can probably pick him out in one of the later photos.
Some of those beautiful Perry sculpts that are responsible for this whole sorry situation. Damn you Michael and Alan Perry lol.
In the preeminent edition of Warhammer these are deployed in teams of two. I already have a few teams painted; these are what I have left. There's probably too many teams here but I suppose they could be deployed as a regiment of Miners for later, ersatz, versions of the game.
Two Regiments of Crossbow Dwarves - 325 points
Dwarves with crossbows: 'nuff said.
Longbeards and Ironbreakers - 1,104 points
These were released for a much later version of the game and are not Perry sculpts as far as I know, but I really like them. I have a large regiment of the earlier Longbeards that I've already painted (the Order of Ancient Prospectors - photographed below). For some reason I only have a few of the early Ironbreakers though - not enough for a regiment and given the current prices on evilbay I'm not likely to anytime soon...
Warmachines - 327 points
That's the last fire-thrower and gyrocopter I have unpainted. However there's another organ gun and bolt thrower in the dip along with a cannon and a goblobber that might make it into the final army.
Characters - 1,323 points
3rd Edition doesn't have rules for the Anvil of Doom and Lord on Shield-bearers of course - these mini's came much later - however it shouldn't be too difficult to house-rule them into the game. Fun fact: if you look closely one of these is an unreleased GW mini - can you spot which one?
I have a few miniatures for unit fillers, camp followers and baggage train: dwarf villagers from Midlam and some ponies and carts by various manufacturers. I also have the lovely Dwarf Lord on Armoured Snail by Black Scorpion Miniatures and some ogres (they didn't make it into the photo but might make it into the army).
So points wise this totals up at 4,659 though the final tally is likely to be closer to 5k (if I get everything painted). Also I haven't included the anvil of doom or the lord on shield bearers or any of the unit fillers / baggage train or any of the bits that are currently in the dip having old paint stripped off.
My current painted dwarves.
There's a couple of hundred painted minis here I reckon. Points wise it's probably around eight or nine thousand points maybe? I played a 7,000 point game a while ago but I've added a few units since then :)
It almost doesn't matter what army you collect, somehow it almost always comes back to the Perry twins at some point :) I'm amazed you've got so many cool minis left to choose from having already painted so many, best of luck with adding these to your hirsute horde!