Sunday, February 2, 2025

The most feral of them, first regiment of the army, 6 minotaurs with two handed weapons, Slaaneshchild's January post, rank & file

Beware monsters out of the wasteland.... first start of this new army, a unit of 6 minotaurs... the backbone of my army.
I wanted them to be different but with some find of uniformity. You will recognize one minotaur for RoC, one from Avatar of War, one from Reaper (I think, the skeletal one), and the three last ones are convertions of my own.

The standard bearer was made with an ogre from Fenryll Miniatures (old fashion resin), a keep of secret head and a Knightmare miniature standard sculpted by the almighty Roberth Breseus

The one on the left is again from Fenryll Miniatures, with a GW minotaur head. A classic, easy to make.

And the last one but not the least is made with daemon legs I had in my bitz box for 25 years, a rat ogre torso and a daemon prince head. Pretty disturbing. Of course his big claw is from a GW beast of Slaanesh.

All packed... ready to rampage the old world in the name of the Dark Prince !! 


And that's it... that was fast.

6 minotaurs with two handed weapons and standard................................. 308 pts

As it was really fast... I might start painting something new...

EDIT !!!

So... I did something new... I had the time to paint my very own "Tarasque". It is inspired by a monster from medieval folklore from Provence (where I am from). It was supposed to live in the swamp between Arles and Avignon.... eating some villagers until a knight came to destroy it. He then founded the city of Tarascon (inspired by the name Tarasque).

The miniature is, according to Shadespire, a Grenadier Miniatures Tsin Dragon. As I think I am going to play it as a chaos gorgon, I wanted a weird color scheme, something really unnatural. 

Here comes the beast !


  1. Wow, wonderful stuff, looking forward to next month

    1. Thank you !! Next month will be another herd of minotaurs...

  2. Oh wow! I did not know that I'd feel so strongly about an army of minotaurs, but those are fab AF, especially the rat ogre/demon legs one. I never knew what to do with those parts either, but now it makes perfect sense!

    1. Ahah great ! I like "big miniatures" so I took this army as an opportunity to convert many "big guys"

  3. Great job on converting those minotaurs ! They will be a force to reckon with on the battlefield ! Les couleurs de la Tarasque sont magnifiques !

  4. Those minotaurs are wonderfully twisted, love them!

    1. Thank you Adam ! I hope you'll love those of next month even more !

  5. Grrreat unit of minotaurs, but I love the Tarasque!

    1. Thank you ! I am happy to share this part of my region's folklore !

  6. What a strong start! I'm a big fan of minotaurs myself and this is a chaotically fearsome unit.

    The Tarasque is great - a classic D&D monster, although that would be an Epic Scale Tarasque for D&D.... which would be bloody brilliant! :D

  7. Great mix of minotaurs, good use of a range of miniatures there. And I love the colours of your Tarasque, that's a beautiful example of how to paint that model.

    1. Thank you ! At the begining I felt a bit stupid, I was like "I always paint everything in pink"... But when I made some research, I was surprised to discover the colors were very varied

  8. That's a great start. Really characterful conversions and painting! I love to paint and play minotaurs and they fit perfectly into a Slaanesh army. Would love to see your interpretation of C34 Ox-roar too!

    1. Yeeesss I already have it and he is already painted... But I will send you a PM with him.

  9. Nice start to the OWAC! Correct, the skeletal minotaur is from Reaper. I really like the Tarasque. Not familiar with the figure. Your painting really suits it and makes it stand out!

    1. Thank you so much ! I hope it will work on the entire army.


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