And the last one but not the least is made with daemon legs I had in my bitz box for 25 years, a rat ogre torso and a daemon prince head. Pretty disturbing. Of course his big claw is from a GW beast of Slaanesh.
And that's it... that was fast.
6 minotaurs with two handed weapons and standard................................. 308 pts
As it was really fast... I might start painting something new...
EDIT !!!
So... I did something new... I had the time to paint my very own "Tarasque". It is inspired by a monster from medieval folklore from Provence (where I am from). It was supposed to live in the swamp between Arles and Avignon.... eating some villagers until a knight came to destroy it. He then founded the city of Tarascon (inspired by the name Tarasque).
The miniature is, according to Shadespire, a Grenadier Miniatures Tsin Dragon. As I think I am going to play it as a chaos gorgon, I wanted a weird color scheme, something really unnatural.
Here comes the beast !
Wow, wonderful stuff, looking forward to next month