Thursday, January 2, 2025

Ian's Undead, take two - OWAC VIII

Here we go again ! After two great OWAC (V - Goblins and VI - Mordheim) and one fail attempt (VII -  Undead), I am back from the dead for more Undead. 

My name is Ian McMurray, from Montreal, Canada. I rediscovered the hobby about 6 years ago, after a 30 years hiatus. I was quickly draw back to the WFB universe and mostly miniature painting, buying an absurdly amount of lead over those last few years. Enough for a few life time and probably up to OWAC XXX. Undead, Goblins and Chaos Dwarfs are my main interest but I also acquired quite a few Chaos, Empire, Bretonnian miniatures... 

As I know my time will be limited, this year's challenge will be quite simple. I will try to achieve the OWAC VIII with the most basic plan, leaving room for a few extras if time allows it. The list is from the Warhammer Armies 3rd edition book, where the Screaming Skull Catapults are considered as rank & file...

So here's the plan :


Leader : Level 15 Vampire - 475 points


I will spent two weeks in Brazil so probably a wild card month


Rank & File : 10 Skeleton Archers - 120 points


Rank & File : 10 Skeleton Archers - 120 points


Rank & File : 10 Ghouls - 80 points


Rank and File : 3 Screaming Skull Catapults with crew (255 points)

Total point : 1050 points

Possible extras

1 x Liche
4 x Bat Swarms
4 x Wraith

An additionnal Screaming Skull Catapult and a missing Ghoul are on the way...

A great and wonderful year 2025 to everyone !



  1. Now that is a man with a plan! Great to have you back mate and I hope your plan works well :)

  2. Nice bunch of old lead and a solid plan. Hope you pull it off! Looking forward to seeing this bunch painted up!

  3. Not a particular fan of the undead, but I see their merits following a recent game. Good luck

  4. I'm glad you were resurrected for another season of restless dead. I wish you the best of luck into season VIII

  5. Really nice entry. I like vibe of old skeletons together with wraiths.

  6. Very sensible approach Ian, I applaud you. Also nice to see an all metal Undead force, even mine is mostly plastic :(


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