Thursday, January 2, 2025

Pokrzyw's Sisters of Battle - Introduction Post - OWAC VIII

 It's glad to introduce myself third time. I've finished two editions (V with High Elves and VII with Dark Elves). I was pretty sure that this time I would not gather enough models for participation (especially that V edition Vampires are banned). But.. I dig into my boxes and I realised that I have some Sisters of Battle still unpainted. This time there will be no elves. Time of holy trinity (bolter, flamer, melta) is coming.

I'm Piotr Krzywicki, living in Wrocław (Poland). Sisters of Battle was my first love in dark nineties. Unfortunately I have no enough funds for playing two games. That time i stay with WFB. Codex Witchhunters, plus 6th edition of WFB causes my turn to Dark Milennium. I sold Bretonnians and bought first boxes of Sisters of Battle. I played them until plastic Sisters was introduced.. My huge optimism was put out. I turned back to WFB. For WH40k I have Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and some inquistitorial forces, some support gives Imperial Knights. In case of WFB you know my High and Dark elves for 4th edition, but in addition I have some newer armies: all kind of elves, Empire, Dwarves and Bretonnians (still in boxes after ToW release). Vampires still somewhere in plans.

Sisters of Battle for 2nd edition is designed as support army. Very limited options caused that all time there would be more and more sisters. Let's try to brake this convention using some 3rd edition inquisitorial force in Wild Card Month and huge gang of Necromunda Orlocks as a mob of frateris militia band.

A few models are painted, some partly painted. All of them would be washed to pure metal :o)


Leader's Month (473)

  • Canoness (combi-flamer), Bodyguard Unit (5), Banner Bearer - 315
  • Missionary (shotgun) - 25
  • Redemptionist Zealot as a Preacher (chainsword)- 12
  • Redemptor Kyrinov, Arch-Confessor - 121

Rank & File 1 Month

  • Battle Sisters Squad (veteran sister superior power sword, 4 sisters, specialist meltagun, specialist hflamer) 232
  • 3 additional sisters to fullfil 10 models/month

Rank & File 2 Month

  • Battle Sisters Squad (veteran sister superior power sword, 4 sisters, specialist meltagun, specialist multimelta) 261
  • 3 additional sisters to fullfil 10 models/month

Rank & File 3 Month

  • Battle Sisters Squad (veteran sister superior, 4 sisters, specialist flamer, specialist hflamer) 228
  • 3 additional sisters to fullfil 10 models/month

Rank & File 4 Month

  • Frateris Militia band (mix of weapons, hstubber, boltgun,2xshotgun) - 108

Wild Card Month

  • 10 models (2 inquisitors, 8+ henchmens) 

TOTAL 1302 points (w/o inquistorial warband and additional sisters).

Extras - some ladies that are not in army. Including that one from the best picture from cover of codex in WH40k universe - canones Veridyan!

It is core of my army. There are some options to include some SM allies or vehicles (rhino/immolators) as a support - the matter is about availability of purchasing miniatures. If wild card month goes smoothly maybe some 3rd edition repentias would be on table.

I wish good luck to all OWAC8 participants!


  1. Interesting choice! The mob of Orlock frateris militia is a nice touch. Looking forward to this slice of grimdark in the OWAC this year :)

  2. Again, another army I've painted at some point in the past, looking forward to see what colour scheme you'll use, I used Escher for my militia Good luck

    1. 99% percent I will use the most known Our Martyred Lady schame from 3rd edition (carmine robes/black armours) but with small accent of white weapons.

      I've already painted quite big sister forces and it would be hard to break existin scheme.

  3. Sisters of battle is always a good choice with their iconic models. I'm especially looking forward for your interpretation of Canoness Veridyan

  4. Niiiice! Looking forward to your version of Kyrinov as I have one to paint at some point... All the best with the paint! 🔥🤘


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