Sunday, January 5, 2025

Nathan’s intro post - army of Khorne OWAC VIII

The new year beckons, as does another OWAC. This time I’ve chosen to do a khorne army; funnily enough I looked at doing a khorne army for the second OWAC but dropped it because heaps of people were doing chaos for that one. Since then I’ve purchased a couple of war machines that I couldn’t have done in that challenge anyway. Here are the pics of the figures I hope to paint up this time around with most being arranged into units of 8 as required in the Slaves to Darkness army list.

The full army

Thugs and beastmen 

Chaos dwarves including the rare arse cannon

Daemons, cultists and champions 

The chaos altar and whirlwind

A chaos dwarf juggernaut with crew 

I’ve actually painted a handful of figures for this army that I will slot in as I go along as they help ensure my units meet the 8 figure (or divisable by 8) requirement in the army list. If I paint all the figures in the pic the list will look something like this:

- 8 thugs with light armor and two hand weapons                                             78 points
- 16 beastmen with light armor, shields and hand weapons                               230 points
- 8 chaos dwarves with heavy armor, shields and double handed weapons       122 points
- 8 chaos dwarf berserkers with double handed weapons                                  128 points
- 1 chaos dwarf bazuka with heavy armor                                                            67 points    
- War altar on a wagon with 8 chaos cultists guards                                            180 points 
- Chaos dwarf whirlwind                                                                                       50 points

I must admit I have no idea what the arse cannon or juggernaut are worth but I’m sure I can figure out something. The bloodthirster itself is worth more than a thousand points and the champions point values are determined by the rewards they get - I will roll up the champs when I’ve painted them just to see what rewards and followers they get as that is all part of the fun of doing a StD army!

I’m going to have to paint the juggernaut in stages as it would be extremely difficult to paint fully assembled - so with that in mind I will add the towers once the base is painted. I might even magnetise the second tower so it is easier to add and remove figures from it. The optional war machine (unpictured) is an armorcast cannon of khorne that I bought last year; whilst it is technically for 40K it fits into this army quite well so if time permits I will paint it as it has been cleaned and undercoated. I’ll add pics of my painted daemons of khorne if I manage to complete the challenge…


  1. That's a fantastic collection of old lead! Some of my fabourite Citadel sculpts are among those chaos dwarves and beastmen. Good luck in the challenge!

  2. Ooooh! Look at all that vintage chaotic goodness! The warmachines are particularly exciting - can't wait to see some of this painted up! :)

  3. Cool collection, especially the warmachines... looking forward to a lot of red and brass!

  4. Great project here !! Khorne is honored this year !

  5. WOw Altar AND Ass cannon !!! It's gonna be wild !

  6. Great collection there! Can't wait to see the war machines get painted up!

  7. Lovely! The units of eight are a great touch 👌Super envious of that ol' juggernaut :)


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