Saturday, January 4, 2025

Owac VIII Intro post - Sybou's Baronny

 Hello everyone,

glad to be again a part of the Owac.

For these year 2025, i'm going to carry on the Baron's army.

Back in the days, i started it with mostly Foundry Miniatures and a green & white colors scheme ; i found lots of old empire and stuff to bulk the army and now it's time to make some good progress on the army.

The background of the army focuses on the Greyhald Baron who's an old prick. Only his powerful axe allowing him to survive his old years.

The baronny is located in the border princes where everyone can do what he wants if you have enough men and/ or money.

Here is the army:

We have:
  • 24 billmen with a merchant
  • 13 crossbowmen with a merchant
  • 15 good to no good free companies
  • 1 canon
  • 1 hellfire canon
  • 1 captain on steed
  • 1 outcast wizard named "Tim"
  • 10 riders from a strange misty land ready to work against money

The baron is not part of this batch but if I'm good enough maybe i could insert him there.

For my offering, I choose JB as we are in the same country and it will be easier to send him the miniature.

It s a confrontation miniature, really chaosy and the whip makes him a bit Slaanesh like.

Well, here we are. Close to the end of year.
Happy new year to everyone and get your brushes ready!


  1. That's a nice mix of characters. Looking forward to seeing this.

  2. Very interesting project. Border princes with Empire/Bretonnian vibe. Waiting for painting.

  3. Great mix of minis from all over, this looks like a fun project to follow

  4. There's a few misleading comments against a few of those units, this might be fun the watch!

  5. I love the fact that you included Tim the Enchanter into your army. Looks like we are in for a treat

  6. HA! I was going to say this army has a somewhat cinematic vibe and then you mentioned Tim and yes, that totally fits! :D

  7. Lovely models - is that a bear musician? Excellent stuff - good luck with the paint!


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