Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Ian's Undead - January Rank and File (240 points)

Plans are meant to be changed. So I changed my plan.

I started this OWAC VIII quite well. I was on vacation until January 6th and I was supposed to only paint my army leader (a single vampire) and my offering to Byron, one of the event coordinator. So having some spare time at the beginning of the month I instead painted my 20 skeleton archers in 3 days. 

I quite enjoyed painting those old simple models. Not too many details but they still have some character.

My offering to Byron

From February 7th to February 23rd I will be traveling to Rio, Brazil, for a Luta Livre training camp. When I'll come back, it will be the end of the semester at school (I am an elementary school teacher) and I will be quite busy doing reports and meeting some parents. If I find some time to before leaving, I will try to paint my leader or my unit of 10 ghouls. If I can't, February will be my wildcard month.


20 skeleton archers - 240 points

Total : 240 points

Take care everyone.



  1. Yes! What's a great unit! Autumn vibe with dark yellows, bones, rotten wood and mud on bases.

    I see one improvement that could be done - banner!

    1. Banner is my bane. I haven't done a single one in 3 OWAC...

  2. Lovely models, simple but characterful paint job. I have a small batch of these in my pile of shame so seeing yours is wonderful motivation.

    1. Hope you'll paint yours soon! They are a nice addition to any undead army !

  3. Starting quite well is definitely an understatement. Keep it up (but be careful not to run out of models)!

    1. Running out of models will never be a problem...

  4. There's nothing quite like skeletons for a quick paint job is there? Maybe guys in full plate and helms, I suppose. These have come out looking really nice. I hope you can continue to organise your painting around your busy schedule, because I'd like to see these guys joined by lots of friends!

  5. You've made a great job of those, looking forward to seeing next month

  6. Boom! Great unit of skellies and warm but yucky colour pallette on the rat-thing tribute. Job done! Effective planning/being able to change plans are both essential parts of the OWAC and useful for challengers to see how others manage things. Have a great time in Brazil!

  7. That was a great way to get started and gain momentum! I hope you will be having a great trip and that we see the rest of that army!

  8. Lovely rust on those skeletons - cracking job!


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