Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Paul D - January's submission - Asgard Goblin Archers

Paul D's January's submission - Asgard Goblin Scouts (116 points)

Well this challenge got off to a flying start, mostly due to the Christmas break and the winter storms which meant I couldn't do all those jobs I had planned outside, meant I had bags of time to splash a little colour over these Asgard goblins.

I now painting in small batches, using my five miniature holders, to stop me rubbing off paint I'd previously applied, which was a regular occurance whilst taking part in previous challenges and led to a lot of repainting. Given that these miniatures are so not Games Workshop goblins, from the same period, I've choosen to run with purple skin tones to ensure they're significantly different.

Being goblins, my standard technique is to go with fairly block colours with highlighting, a little detailing, a generous splash of shading with Citadel seraphin sepia to give a sense of grubiness and then attempt to paint those details which add a little something (eyes, claws and rivits etc.).

Here's a few close-up pictures to give an impression of just how characterful these minatures are, as ever my pictures do them no justice.

Here they are with the first applications of basing material fixed to their bases.

Completed the varnishing and basing decoration.

All in all, that went far quicker and easier than I initially thought, quite pleased with the way these turned out now what should I do next - next month's contingent, which will give me effectively two months to paint a spear block for month three!


  1. I don't think I've seen painted examples of these before. I like old sculpts and it's interesting to study the pictures. You did a really nice job with choosing the skintone. Looking forward to seeing more of these

    1. I'll be honest and say I don't recall seeing any either, but I'm sure there are. I presume people did the same as me started and then took a step back.
      As for the colour of their skin, because this is the second time I've tried to paint them I wanted them to stand out, hence the choice of colour.

  2. That skin tone works really well, good choice! I've painted orcs and goblins in brown, yellow and brick red (and green of course) but never purple, but it looks really effective. Nice work.

    1. Thanks, I'm happy with the way the skin worked out too.

  3. Never saw those models before. Quite original choice of skin tone… Can’t wait to see the rest of your army!

    1. They're a surprising rarity, given the excellent sculps, the one on all fours just sings sulky/sneaky goblin to me.

  4. Yes mate! :D These are even better than I imagined painted up. You've done a great job with the paint and the close up pics to show the sculpts off. The purple skin choice is inspired as it makes them look really brutish and dangerous to my eye. Not your average weedy gobbos!

    1. Thanks for the comments, much appreciated, I'm pleased with how their turned, looking forward to the spear blocks.

  5. Great start Golgfag ! They look really nasty I mean "evil", not like GW orcs who are funny guys... you're are the nastiest !

    1. I was trying for something different, appears I hit the mark from yours and the previous comments.

  6. Really like the green hair - great stuff!

  7. A great contrast to the skin tones, to my mind


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