Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pablol - Imperial Guard - Month 1 - Rank & File

I started off pretty strong with a Chimera almost painted on the 10th of January. That's all I had originally planned for this month. Then about a week ago I thought I could paint a whole infantry unit that I hadn't even finished putting together. A lot of faffing about, building flagpoles, making molds to convert some models and suddenly there was only a few days left of the month.

Very last minute, but I made it.
Larger size photo 

Imperial Guard Squad 100pts
Sergeant: Power sword, Plasma pistol 10pts
Heavy weapon team: Heavy Bolter 10pts
Special weapon: Grenade launcher 10pts
Chimera 140pts
Total: 270pts

I only later on realized that my Chimera is a not an MK1 model, so I added some Hellhound armour plates on the turret for compensation. I also made a flagpole and flag similar to the ones in the 2nd edition codex. While I was rushing to get everything finished I totally forgot the Chimera Storm bolter and couldn't manage to finish it in time because I hadn't made a pintle mount for it. It'll be mounted by next month. Tank markings will also be added.

I didn't have quite enough Cawdor gangers so theres a few Catachans and a Bretonnian archer to fill the unit of 10. The heavy weapon also changed from my original plan.

For my tribute I painted an Aspiring Chaos Champion in Terminator armour.
Side view 

It is in the post on it's way to Slaaneshchild. Slaanesh models didn't get a lot of attention in the 2nd edition codex, but I think these Daemonette bits go pretty well together with the terminator armour. I hope it has a similar mid 90's vibe as my Imperial Guard models. I was close to putting this on a 40mm base, but I'm glad I sticked to the original 25mm.

Next month I will paint another tank and hopefully also another unit. I hope to have atleast one tank painted per month.

Good luck for next month!

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