Sunday, February 2, 2025

Tom's Orcs and Goblins - Rank and File #1

Well 2025... The eighth Old World Army Challenge - boy do thing come round quick!
Anyway, here's a pic of my planned army again, this time with a timestamp. No painting before the 1st you cheeky scamps!

A few models I noticed escaped the mouldline removal, so I went back in on those demmed too bad to leave as is...

I also ran out of rattlecan primer (Halfords), so I used a new tin on a few. Things did not go well...

But I'll leave them for now. as they're not too bad I guess...

Right... On to the paint!
The first unit I HAD to paint, above all else, are the goblin spearmen. I can at least rest easy knowing that I have sated the gods of karma and actually painted all these goblins sold to me for (I think), the cost of shipping.

As they're monopose, I'll just show one. All the rest I painted exactly the same - same amount of detail etc etc...

And here's the group shot - first up though, a quick snapshot of the ranks...

And the command. Only a standard bearer and a champion. No musician.
I'm super annoyed that I did not do a 'dry fit' of the Champion. I've based him with the slotta at the far back. I should have switched it so the slotta is at the front, and then hopefully he'd rank up better....

Here they are a bit closer....

(I think I remember saving this banner bearer precisely because there's no banner!)

Here's a rough breakdown of paints used for the spears, and a repic to help with he scrolling!


Goblin Spearmen
PA = ProAcryl
GW = Games Workshop
AK = AK Interactive
V = Vallejo

Red: PA Orange Red,  AK Volcanic Yellow, PA Pyrolle Yellow, PA Bright Ivory, 

Boot Fur: PA Warm Brown, GW Wildwood Contrast, PA Pyrolle Yellow, PA Bright Ivory

Black: PA Coal Black, PA Bright Ivory

Green Skin: GW Moot Green, GW Warpstone Lightning Contrast, PA Pyrolle Yellow, Pa Bright Ivory, GW Leviathon Purple Contast (or Shyish, depending on what is closer)

Yellow: AK Volcanic Yellow, PA Pyrolle Yellow, Pa Bright Ivory, GW Iyanden Yellow Contrast

Metals: V Black Metal, V Silver

Grass: AK Grass Green, PA Cameo Green, PA Pyrolle Yellow, PA Bright Ivory

Base Rim: GW XV-88

The base rims I did start out painting with GW Steel Legion Drab, but I perfer the warmer, and catchier named XV-88. It's got some better coverage skillz too...

Anyhow - that's it for paint.

See you next week, with any luck! 👊


Intro: link

January: Rank and File
54....    18 x Goblins with Spears
15....    1 x Goblin Champion
6....      1 x Goblin Banner Bearer
Total: 75 points


  1. That's a super nice old school vibe on those goblins ! Awesome !

  2. Just loving the horde, well done sir

    1. Man, the struggle is getting real! I don't think I've ever previously painted 20 models in a month, so it feels good hitting a new benchmark - but not so good that there's more to paint 😂

  3. Strong dawn of the 90s feels here.

  4. Another mad person, let's drown in green together!

    1. Ha! It had to be done! I've been thinking about this monopose army for years :)

  5. Absolute classic bright green goblins, those are perfect!

  6. You have captured the essence of red era Orcs and Goblins perfectly. Very nice and vibrant. Go #teamgreen !

  7. Yesssssss! Acid green bases and sherbert dib dabs all round! This is pure 90s awesomeness!

  8. Goblins painted in the good old way ! Amazing !


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