Sunday, February 2, 2025

Shadespyre's January Post - OWAC VIII - High Elves of Lothern (271 points)

OWAC VIII - Rank and File Month - High Elves of Lothern


Finally under way!

As is traditional, I started with a pile of undercoated miniatures and a vague idea of a colour scheme. Actually, a little less vague because there is a description provided for the Regiments of Renown... for Elwing's Elf Cavalry: "The Elves are dressed in blue uniforms, whilst most of the leatherwork is black or red: Helmets and other metal fittings are silver or silver plated. Spear-shafts are painted blue, with white, blue or red pennants indicating different Companies."

Here's how I've interpreted that:

Because you can never have too many paints, I treated myself to some new ones. I've added Templar Blue, Ashen Blue and Glacial Blue, all from the Reaper Masters Series, to my collection for this project.

Just one unit of six for now, but that meets the monthly requirements so I don't mind. Obviously, they will get some sort of heraldry added to the shields at some point - probabaly a white symbol of some sort. I've got a few ideas but I want to stew on them for a while.

Likewise, I'll do a big basing session when I've got more minis painted. If you've seen my Wood Elves from OWAC VII you'll know what to expect.

One aspect of this project which could get tiresome is the repeated painting of the same miniatures. For example, every cavalryman across three units is riding the same horse! While I want to have a degree of uniformity, I've decided to do different variants of white horse. Here's a comparison of the first two, I may try for four varieties in all.

Alert viewers will notice that the unit above are all riding the "blond" variant, so yes, I have started on a second unit already.

Scores for January:       271    points   6 models

1 x Champion          (Level 5, heavy Armour, Shield, Lance, Warhorse)        61 points
5 x Silver Helms     (Light Armour, Shield, Lance, Warhorse, Standard)    210 points

Running Total:              271  points  6  models


With a choice of THREE worthy recipients this time around, I was at a loss what to paint for who! With so many projects on my to do list, my supply of "spare" miniatures is quite depleted. Fortunately, as I trawled the depths of my collection, I found a selection of beasts of burden! Highly fitting for the "baggage train" them of OWAC VIII, so I plucked three of them out to paint up:

I'll be posting one of these to each of our committee members as a Thank You for their organisational efforts. I hope they will suit.


More Elves, obviously. Here's a sneak preview of some WIP infantry


  1. Following with great interest. Very inspiring project

  2. Very generous of you for offering a miniature to each of the committee members !

  3. Loving the vib, with al the ROR, well done

  4. I've found painting a horse, let alone a white horse, really tricky - but you've nailed it. They're looking wonderful!

  5. whoaa .. it looks astonishing. I really intrested in seeing whole true oldhammer high elves army. Waiting for the next month.

  6. I agree with the above comment, white horses are tricky but you got it. Great blue color for the shields. Likely the oldest OLDhammer project in the challenge -- again!

  7. Starting the project with cavalry, and furthermore with white horses, is a brave move. You did really well. Also, a beast of burden as an offering is very fitting :) Looking forward to the next months!

  8. I definitely feel your pain when it comes to painting horses but if it is any consolation you have nailed the old school vibe with these :)

  9. Thanks for all the comments and support so far, everyone. I have a very simple technique for white horses - paint the horse in an off-white tone, and then highlight using slightly thinned White Scar paint, leaving the shadowed area untouched and putting a couple of coats on the areas that need to be whitest and brightest. Then manes and tails are painted in a darker version of the base colour. Then something brownish for the hooves.A bit of something pinkish to brown on the muzzle is a nice extra touch, and painting the eyes black looks better than painting "human style" eyes. Simple!

  10. Nice horses ! I love the details. Great start !


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