Monday, March 3, 2025

Bow to your true master ! Worship Slaanesh ! Rank and file month, 6 minotaurs of Slaanesh.

 Here they come again, the minotaurs of Slaanesh are back ! With two hand weapons this time... 

I had great time converting it but I lost all my motivation to paint them this month. They are a bit speed painted but they are painted. And guess what... I did my first banner !

Here are some separated pictures : 

My two favorite ones.... 

Which one is you favorite ? I love the maniac with his tentacule and knife and the "scratchbuilt one" with Leviatan's symbol on his skeletal head.

So this month...

6 minotaurs with two hand weapons and standard ......... 302 pts

Next month, I will work on my furies I think or maybe my lesser beastmen.

The right music to look at them : 

See you next month !

AdamH’s Goblins Rank & File #2 – The green tide grows

Well it turns out that these little guys are actually quite quick to paint, somehow I was able to pretty much equal my January output. With this month’s entry I have certainly broken the back of the army as my total painted is over 80 models now!

Like last month I started with the planned 15 models in the new unit, and then added the other ten I had prepared since I had the time. This time the unit I painted are armed with simple hand weapons and shields:

Nothing too crazy here, standard models, no conversions, only more of the 3d printed shields.

Next up was some more bow and arrow Forest Goblins, another ten in total including a musician:

Finally I worked on a small unit of Wolf Riders. Technically not a Forest Goblin unit, although I did use Forest Goblin archer models on plastic wolves so they thematically fit with the rest of the army. The reason for taking this unit is simply to enable me access to some Common Goblin special units which I have also converted to fit the theme and will hopefully feature next month. Anyway here are my wolves:

This was also the first time I have ever painted these classic plastic wolf models, I tried to go for a natural tone to contrast with the bright spiders:

This month I managed to paint the following:






Forest Goblins (2.5)

Standard (2.5) Musician (2.5) Shields (.5))



Forest Goblins (2.5)

Musician (2.5) Short Bows (.5)



Goblin Wolf Riders (9)

Musician (9) Short Bows (1)





Oh, something I forgot to mention earlier but I am making each unit have it's own distinct colour scheme. So the feathers and tunics etc. will all be shared colours. This also carries over to an attached archer unit and some sort of mounted unit. So this month you can see all of the feathers in these three units are red and yellow, last month they were blue and purple. I thought this would be a nice way of having variation in the army but also some unity between units.

Anyway, next month is spider time, slightly bigger ones this time!

Month 2 - Owac VIII - Sybou's baronny - rank & files

 Hello everyone,

February is a short month but I decided to go to the 2nd biggest unit, the scoundrels.

They have yellow and black clothes because they come from the Duchy of Keltalas. Years ago, the the Red Count, a ferocious vampire attacked the duchy and destroyed it. 

The Duke has been killed by the count himself and most of the people have been transformed in undeads. Some of them fleed toward the nearest cities and strongholds.

Sunny day!

Their leader is an agitator claiming that some of the land of the Baron must be given to the former inhabitants of the Duchy. He often claims being the new Duke because the former one was his father.

You can see him in the middle, on the left, there is his companion, a fake intelectual who show fake documents proving that some lands must be given to his friend.
The other are opportunists, thugs and dregs. Most of them are not from Keltalas, they're just here to recover money and goods.

More dramatis personae with the lady with the porcelain mask, she's leading a cult of the King in Yellow and gives bad information to the new "duke".

Knife users, thieves and other scoundrels belong to the band. You don't want to cross them in a dark alley.

Final members of the crew, a lots of clubs in order to calm down the robbed citizens ...

Here they are for a final picture. I tried to take photos outside to take advantage of the sun, the photos are not great, i should try something different next time.

Here is my troop for february I hope you enjoyed them.

I also finished my offering for Laurent:

It's an apostat des ténèbres from the Game Confrontation. It is really a slaanesh miniature and I hope that Laurent can find it some good uses in game.

Take care everyone and see you next time.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Frank's Great Work Continued - A Daemonic Legion of Slaanesh - Rank & File - February


This month included no end of distractions, both professional and personal, and yet the Legion still grew.

 As was the case last month, these new units come from the 'Auxiliaries' allowance of the daemonic legion army list. However, rather than the undead contingent, they come from the general Auxiliaries forces. The Minotaurs are quite straight forward and have their own unit entry which allows up to twenty models, four of whom may be characters. The Harpies, on the other hand, are available through the Legion's 'Creatures of Chaos' allotment. A legion may have up to twenty models from the list provided below. Like creatures are expected to be fielded together, but the list is quite diverse. It includes fairly low maximum numbers, but the Harpies can fill the entire allotment at twenty models. 

 My unit of Minotaurs, The Pale Worms, began their career as a fairly typical warband of their kind. They easily could have ended up in a Khornate army, like so many of their kin. Their hunger for flesh led them to throw in with a Slaaneshi tyrant for the simple reason that gore-covered fodder was so widely available. As these giant beastmen fed their hunger time after time, they became more and more caught up in the other pleasures the rest of the army was taking part in around them. Before long they were disporting themselves with abandon, while also beautifying themselves with inks, dyes, and tattoos to match their new comrades. By the time they were inducted into a daemonic Legion of Slaanesh, The Pale Worms were entirely unhinged, with a monstrous hunger both cannibalistic and debauched. As a unit in the Legion, The Pale Worms, provide a 'beefy' hard hitting contrast to the bulk of Daemonettes. They are actually cheap enough to still be considered expendable compared to the units of lesser daemons, despite having triple the Wounds of those more expensive models. 


This unit consists of five Minotaurs, each worth 40 points a piece, and their leader. The Leader will be a Level 15 Hero bearing a hefty Chaos Weapon shaped like a Slaaneshi icon, valued at 240 points. 

My flock of Harpies have an interesting pedigree. Unlike the Minotaurs, who are all classic Citadel Miniatures lead models, these harpies are from a number of sources. I chose to model this with a succubus appearance for theme, rather than include classic harpies, who just look like monsters. The two left most are from Heresy Miniatures and are resin casts. The nice girl perched on the rock is from Hasslefree and is white metal. Next is a third Heresy Miniatures resin model. The last two are from Reaper Miniatures and are board game plastic. The first of the Reaper casts, and the Hasslefree model did not actually have wings, so wings were chosen from other figs to kitbash onto them. I am really happy with the paint scheme taken together. 


The harpies role in the legion is pretty sad. No doubt they were flattered and seduced by the Daemonettes to participate, by playing to their vanity. Alas, they have little to no combat value on a daemonic battlefield but do bring other useful traits. First and foremost they have wings, which are relatively rare in a Slaaneshi legion, seen most consistently on the Legion's daemon princes. The other trait is that they are absurdly cheap. The entire flock of six literally costs less than a single Daemonette. Now Khornate legions are led by the dreaded Bloodthirsters, who, of course, fly. They also include blasphemous technological weapons capable of shooting down our mighty daemon princes before they can charge their chosen targets. The harpies positive traits combine to solve this problem by being an expendable screen of ablative meat to ensure my daemon prince gets his moment to shine.


Although I did not get as much painted in February as I had hoped, it was a successful addition to the Legion, and still exceeded the minimums for the OWAC. There were twelve models added to the Legion, I think the minotaurs might count as two models each, giving an adjusted value of 18. The Harpies are worth a whopping 90 points, which combined with the Minotaurs and their hero adds 530 points to the total.  Maybe next month, I can catch up to my original planning goals...

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