Sunday, March 2, 2025

Shadespyre's February Post- Rank & File II - OWAC VIII - High Elves of Lothern (+260 points)

 OWAC VIII - Rank and File Month (II) - High Elves of Lothern


As promised last month, I've shifted to taking on some infantry this time around, making a start on the almost infinite* pile of identical spearmen that I have inflicted on myself. Once again, painting a Regiment of Renown gives me an "official" description to interpret:

"The uniform comprises a close fitting helmet, which is gilded. The tunic is padded and white, the belts and other decorative items are red. Spear shafts are blue, whilst most metal is either steel or silver." 

It took me a while to get the colours mentioned in places that I liked them, which I finally acheived having waved three different versions at some of my painting pals until they gave opinions! In the end, I think it was the red tassles on the spears which made it work.

Obviously, there is a gap left here for the command group. Though I've made a start, I'll be leaving those for later, partly because I need to build a standard pole, and partly because I need to decide on the theme and heraldy before I do that. Plus "Leader Month" is compulsory and so I need to save something to put in it!

*it turns out there were only twenty of them, but it felt like more.

This isn't everything I've been working on. Progress continues on the cavalry because I want to make sure I can present at least one more unit of those in March. This means I have tried out two more colour schemes for white horses:

I'm not sure that brown tails and manes on white horses is very realistic, but it looks quite pretty. And at the end of the day everyone is looking at the riders, really.

I'm also feeling confident enough with my progress that I've started prepping some extra units for this army. These are taken from the non-Regiment of Renown C09 range, so it would be really nice to be able to get them painted up this year. As previously highlighted, some of them are quite elaborate, so might take a lot of painting!

Scores for February:       260    points   20 models

20 x Guards    (Light Armour, Shield, Spear)                                                    260 points

Running Total:              531  points  26  models


More Elves, obviously - probably a second unit of cavalry. Maybe some idea of what I'm going to put on all those blue shields?

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