Monday, February 26, 2018

Your Overlord takes his mulligan...

Well yes, I'm taking my mulligan. It comes with the appropriate level of shame. Although, I have to be honest : it was always in my plans. I knew I would need a month off to tackle the big infantry regiments. I'm working on a big 30 figure Goblin unit, plus I'll need to add something else to that to round up my points, and I also have to submit a monster for another challenge I'm part of!

So I did paint a lot this month, but not enough! 

See you all in the end of March!! I'll be ready.


  1. So, we all are looking forward to see the big gobbos mob!

  2. That 30 model unit is going to look glorious. Just don’t tell us how few points it actually costs

  3. Honestly, I'm surprised that I haven't used my Mulligan.


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