Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Nathan's Hobgoblins

Well another year rolls by - usually that is of little consequence but this new year brings with it the second OWAC which is something to look forward to. My initial idea was to do a Khornate army using the Slaves to Darkness lists as I have more than enough figures to do that and they would be fun to paint. But after seeing how popular chaos is I thought I could go for something a little unusual - a 3rd edition hobgoblin mercenary contingent. I collected all the Ally Morrison hobgoblins some time back and last year I collected the hobgoblin figures Nick Lund did for citadel and grenadier. Whilst the sculpting style is quite different both have an oriental flavour to them which works well together. In addition to that I had enough of each type to field them in separate units - one of the basic hobgoblins which one has to have as a minimum and the other as a unit of +1 elites. And to top it all off I had enough figures to reach the 1000 point target. So that settled it - hobgoblins for me this time. The list is this:

1 Khan leader with shield, light armour, hand weapon and spear riding a temple dog - 195 points.

1 hobgoblin shaman - 155 points
35 Mourngul renegades with hand weapons, shields, light armour and a standard - 288 points
1 Champion (lvl 5) for the renegades with light armour, shield and hand weapon - 33 points
20 Hobyars (+1 elite) with double handed weapons and light armour - 200 points
1 champion for the hobyars (lvl 10) double handed weapon and light armour - 60 points
1 contingent standard (lvl 5 hero) - 82 points
I skyrocket plus 4 crew (crew are 10 points each, skyrocket 50) - 90 points

1,103 in total. I did reduce the value of the hobyars by a point each as mine don't have shields. Pretty dicey including the points value for something my figures don't have! Anyway here they are in all their glory (minus the temple dog which I need to strip and repaint!):


  1. As I wrote on the Facebook page :

    I got all emotional writing "Hobgoblins" as a label on the blog.

    Wonderful choice mate!

  2. Awesome. I'd love to get some Hobgoblins! Can't wait to see these guys with paint.

  3. Now this is going to be a unique army.

  4. A fellow rocket launcher enthusiast! Cool army!

  5. Cool project, Hobgoblins are one of those things I've always wanted, but never found for a reasonable price.

  6. One of the coolest armies we've seen IMHO. Bring it!

  7. Cooool!!!
    I expect for how you paint them!!!
    Good luck with the Challenge mate!!!

  8. Never seen an entire hobgoblin army! Looking forward to see the whole force painted


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