Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Andrea's Beasts of Chaos (237 points)

Hi guys, 
I finally finished the April quota for OWAC2 and I am really happy for this ;-)

Short post this time (I mean, shorter than usual…) because in these days life is getting a little more demanding! Anyway, here we are with beastmen and the first dragon ogre!

The beastmen unit is a 10-beast worth regiment, a collection of sculpts spanning across the 80s to late 90s. I am pretty pleased with the result of painting, and I am already trying to find new figures to add to the unit. The skin tone is the same I used for the shaman last month, with some little variation. I keep the red color as the army common motif: overall, it seems to work.

The unit first rank…

…and the second rank

The unit champion is a model of Khorne beastman, fully coated in red armour. The big champion from 90s was placed in the second rank: that’s not really a downgrade but I like the big guy in the back rank towering over the others.

Braksh (boar face, CH4 series, 1987) and the champion (beastman of Khorne, 1988)

The big guy (I didn't notice the two small faces on the top of the hat before painting him...mid-90s) and Cabrel (CH4 series, 1987)

The large (MB09 series trooper, 1991) and the tiny (Ungor, 1998)

Laari (the small minotaur, CH4 series, 1987) and a beastman of Slaanesh  (1988)

Beastmen of Khorne (1988)

Finally, the dragon ogre: this is another ubiquitous piece in the Chaos armies of my youth. I have opted for the classical color pattern from the red era.

And here the whole month painting:

Points values: 9 beastmen (90 pts) + 1 champion (60 pts) + 1 dragon ogre (87 pts). Total points 237.

So, based on the original plan, it seems I have two month to finish the challenge with the last two dragon ogres... I can do it! Meanwhile, I am already thinking to some nice surprise addition: let's see what will happen!

Ciao, Andrea


  1. Nice troops! Love the color scheme!

  2. Dragon ogres for everyone! Seriously, nice work and looking forward to the other two!

  3. These guys are great. It's going to sound like I'm low-balling how great they are, but I love the shields. Nice and clean.

  4. I really like the diversity in the models you chose. Proper Oldhammer

  5. What a wild bunch of beastmen! They look very good. The red on the dragon ogre is a nice touch ;)

  6. Brilliant work on a lovely mix of models. I have the big Middlehammer era Beastman hero on my painting table for May but I already know he waon't be as nice as yours! :D

  7. Love it! Some truly great figures in there.


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