Monday, June 3, 2019

Merijn's League of Legendary Liches in May (480 points)

"Quit your bellyaching, you know... you can't get under my skin" Ignatio cackled and wheezed at his own joke. Harold rested his face in his hands and sighed in exasperation. "I don't care how many more of your little horrors you wished to raise, we attack by the next muuhnn!". Ignatio waved his sceptre dramatically but the effect was somewhat ruined by his jaw coming unhinged before he finished speaking.

Harold let his shoulder sag and wandered back to his horrors. He'd joined forces with the old liche in hopes of increasing his knowledge. For the most part, all he obtained was a deep seated hatred of the old liche's puns. Still, it was hard to argue with the effortless way the old bastard raised his skeletons."

I think this month has been my favourite in the challenge so far. Not just for my own project but now that we're nearing the end I'm seeing all kinds of cool generals pop up in all of your blogs. Fantastic stuff.

My blog is no different and this month I present the old Warhammer Quest Dread King model that I'm using for Ignatio, the liche leading the League of Legendary Liches. For me, this has always been one of those dream models. You know, the one you never owned but you still think about decades later.

I joined this challenge because I finally splurged and bought the dread kingfrom someone on the Facebook group. I figured the challenge would give me the motivation I needed to paint him and everything else just came together around that.

So without any more of my ramblings:

El Jefe, the undad, the legendary liche

I already painted up some infantry but I hadn't gotten around to properly finishing up the unit. 10 more skeletons including a command group and the original Nightmare Legion characters round them out quite nicely. If I ever need some wight heroes, they'll do quite nicely.

I just noticed I forget the sunburst yellow drybrush. Essential.

Anyway, that brings the points total up to...

80 pts (10 x 8) skeletons

20 pts (10 x 2) spears

30 pts (10 x 3) heavy armour

350pts (1x350) liche

Total this month: 480pts

Overall total: 1044pts

And just because it made me laugh with how improvised it is. My photo studio. Did you do any of those "always-wanted-to-paint-this-one" models for the challenge this year?


  1. Great stuff. As usual, your fluff is superb

  2. That's a load of points! I loved the Warhammer Quest stuff as a kid, and it's great to reminisce on your Liche :)
    For me, I painted the Foundry (still continued) cannon for my dwarfs!

  3. Lovely work on the Dread King - worthy of the title of the Legendary Liche indeed! And some suitably legendary troops to go with him :)

  4. Wow, great entry! The Dread king is a master piece a d you painted him excellently


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