Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Ratwig's OWAC II Close Out Report

OWAC II had been my second successful painting painting challenge, and in spite of my last round mulligan, I still squeaked by with a little over the minimum amount of points for this one: 1058 total (58 points of overkill)! Counting the war machines, this comes to approximately 69 figures painted. This little band is a pirate contingent for Varl Heavy Hand’s Dark Elf Warband consisting of Samurai mercenary and Dark Elf pirates with some support weapons and another bug. My mulligan kept my Samurai Mercenary Warlord from completion. Hopefully, I will be able to set aside some time and get him completed. Maybe someday I will actually get to play another v.3 game and see if these high priced DE troops are worth the points or not. 
All the new troops deployed:

The first entry was ten Dark Elf Shadows for 200 total points. I imagine using these troops to take out enemy skirmishers, support weapons and causing general confusion in the enemy rear area.

For entry number two, I had to use the Ravening Hordes v.2 army book to find point values for the rockets and bombardier. These figs waited a long time for paint.  That’s 216 points for this one.

Staying with support elements for entry number three had two DE repeater bolt throwers with a level 5 leader and a giant scorpion added to the list for 214 points.

With entry number four, I finally added some DE warriors to my army. Warhammer Armies requires you have 40 of them, so 15 down, 25 more to go… They get a level 5 leader and standard bearer to lead them for a total of 216 points. 

My final entry was 18 Mercenary Samurai led by a level 5 leader and upgraded to double handed weapons. They waited as long as the rocket launchers for paint being in a bag next to the RL’s in the Samurai Army box.

Here is my OWAC II contingent army shot:

 And the combined OWAC I and II army shot:

I still have enough unpainted Dark Elf lead to do another two OWAC’s so, Iannick if you run another one, I’m still in for OWAC III!

Ratwig out


  1. I especially love the Samurai, and I LOVE your pose! Congratulations on finishing another OWAC!

    1. Thanks! I probably would never have painted them if not for OWAC giving me the motivational kick in the rear.

  2. holy moley, both OWAC together is brilliant! Congrats man!

    1. Thanks! I have an army now where before there was only sad unpainted lead...

  3. Awesome, your combined army looks great!

    1. Thanks for running the motivational challenges that got the army where it is today!

  4. Great army. Makes me want to paint my samurai and dark elves! Just too much to do...

    1. Always too much to paint! I will have to live to be 250 years old to finish painting all the lead I have stashed away. But, I'm pretty happy with what I have painted right now.

  5. Proper Oldhammer! And the Highlander-esque pose is awesome - there can be only one Ratwig! ;)

  6. Great looking force, and a unique theme. Love the combination of classic figures. And of course, the army shot with general/painter!


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