Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sam's Savage Orc Wrap Up - An Ode to Goblin Green

So here we are at the end of the challenge and what a fine thing it has been. I now have me for the first time in, well ever, some fully painted units. Genuinely it's a first for me, and certainly worth the blood, sweat and tears.

And here they are in all their glory:
we're 'avin it!

Ooogah Boogah, CHARGE!!!!

'bout that time eh chaps

Weren't dere suppos'd ta be more of us?!

Wait a minute where is da main man?! An wots dat delicious looking fing sittin' all lonely like on da right there

The end list:

Ugg Bonekrakka - Savage Orc Warlord, War Boar (Snorka) = 158

Grog Mindbenda - Savage Orc Shaman Champion, War Boar = 130

Wazz DaNoggin - Savage Orc Shaman = 59

Dagob Moufsmasha - Savage Orc Boss, shield = 46

Da Beastie Boyz - 8 x Savage Orc Boar Boys, Standard, Musician = 250

Da Boyz - 18 x Savage Orc Boyz, Standard, Musician, shields = 170

Da Big 'Un - 1 x Giant = 200

Sommink Undafoot - 1 x Snotling bases = 15

Total = 1028pts

For some final touches challenge-wise I finished up the flock on the bases from the previous months that was an outstanding task and knocked up another banner, finishing up the standard bearer. I also realised that I was one boar short, so forgive the unpainted little critter in the back, he's all prepped up, but Tokyo summers are a at the bare minimum 70% humidity and mostly like 80-90%, so spraying is a no go for another couple of months

So what's in the future for these boyz? Well I've now got almost all the Perry twins savage orc sculpts, just a couple missing here and there. So I am, intending at least, to add a unit of 20 spear where I'll mix spear sculpts and hand weapons in a 50:50 ratio, plus its a good excuse to use the secondary sculpts for standard and musician alongside another boss sculpt and the last shaman sculpt. A unit of skirmishing bow with a third boss sculpt will be added to that, plus 3 x stone trolls and a couple more stands of snotlings. Then I'll probably call it a day on the savage contingent.

Oh wait dere he iz! But where'd dat delicious fing go... hmmm? 

Generally speaking though, that's a wrap. And I'm pretty happy with the results. Hopefully at some point within the next year I'll get a chance to take the boyz out for a spin against a certain Adam's Brets in a fine contest of who can drink the most beer and still hit the table with all their dice.

For a potential OWAC III (please kind overlord, we love you) and if I'm fortunate enough to be invited back, I'd be down like Charlie Brown! The real question though, what would I be painting... well there is the above outstanding savage boyz, or a big pile of evil pointy ears, or slightly smaller pile of pointy eared tree huggers, or an even smaller pile of Kev Adam's orc's and gobbos, or that giant smiling frog sitting on his big chair that I've been eyeing up... hmmm, decisions decisions...

Until next year, peace out



  1. That always makes me happy to read the OWAC made you finish units for the first time, that's what it's all about!

  2. If you fight Adam, post pics! That will be one beautiful battle!

  3. Congratulations dude - they look proper savage! Some lovely details with the Giant and Snotlings too :)

  4. Excellent O&G army! Always liked the green hordes!

  5. Brilliant! An inspired choice with the snotling and giant having the same pose :)

  6. Great looking army. The combination of C28 giant, painted oldschool orcs, and a nice glass of beer gets an instant approval from me. Congratulations on finishing the challenge with a great looking force.

  7. I got to play this lovely army yesterday and my dwarfs were left bewildered by their savagery :)


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