Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Adrian's Orc Pillagers

'ere we are. I am Adrian and this is my first time in the OWAC AND any sort of painting contest/challenge/whatev. 

I never thought that I would have ended with an army of orcs. When I started in the ending days of 5th edition, the new giant-ape orcish sculpts were not of my liking, and an horde has always too much for me. However, in my local store there were several old posters and I got especially attracted to the 3rd ed. poster/rulebook cover art with their weird-looking goblins and orcs fighting a chaos warrior.

My main collection is in fact dwarfs, but the more I got into the old miniatures, the more I looked to the old ranges of orcs and goblins.
Until one day... in one of the dwarf lots, there was a lone orc, the commander of the Rock Chukka

The curse of the orc has been cast. None can escape the call to collect a greenskin army.

Long story short, here I am in the middle of this mess, because not only I have finally collected an horde of orcs, also I am (mad enough) pretending to paint many of them within a deadline. Me, mr Slowest Painter.

I will use the 3rd edition army rules and costs. The challenge rules allow me to overlook some of the miniature requirements of the army list. In the other hand, I have no chariots, a handy giant or any "costly" war machine to sink some points. So I will distribute the points into several mobs of orcs, which will make the challenge slightly less repetitive and an interesting oportunity to experiment with some variation in the skins.

Zharkk Facesmasha mob of pillager and raiders

It is not a good orc horde without an evil looking rabble of noisy and smelly boys (in all its c15 glory).

15 Orc boys with light armour, spears (mostly), musician and a banner

But Zharkk knows that this rabble of incompetents are not the one that will win the fights, so he is followed by his retainers.

14 Orc Big Uns with light armour, spears (or some sort of long stabby things), musician and a banner.

Sometimes the party needs an extra of firepower because those pesky dwarfs like to get out of their holes to shoot they crossbows.

10 Orc Arrer Boyz with shield, musician, a banner and totally not Harboth, just 'nother lad.

Oi! who is gonna scout ahead, we forgot to call the gruntas or any the wolf riders. Bring those small gits from there and put them ahead.

10 Goblin stikkas as cannon fodde- I mean, scouts.

Now that we have sum scouts, why did not ye lads bring some more sneaky gits that will stab in the enemy backs while we punch them in the face.

ser Gitfried (Goblin lvl 10) leading

19 Spear gobbos with light armour, shield, musician and a banner

Zharkk have made a deal with the skavens for his next campaign, but those chaos creatures are not trustworthy allies. However, he has a good bunch of negotiators at his disposal

10 Giant Black Orcs with double handed weapons, a musician and a banner.

Of course, none shall go wreacking havok without a bunch of trolls

3 Trolls

I've not forgotten that this party is leaded by the mighty Zharkk:

No, this lad is Iggby the Despoiler, his adventures shall be told another day. I mean yer mighty..

Zharkk Facesmaha, Lvl 20 Orc with light armour and shield

These boys make slightly more than 1000 points, with a grand total of 83 models to paint. I must finish some small conversions (especially in the commander, that I intend to resemble Hagar Sheol from Blood Bath at Orc's Drift) and get done the flags and the priming for the start of the month. Hope I will be in the final month with a horde of (properly green-) greenskins on the desk.

Adrian out-


  1. Lovely choice of miniatures! Good luck for the OWAC

  2. I'll be watching you...
    I am trying SO hard to resist the green call.
    Can’t wait to see how they turn out.
    Good luck.

  3. Greenskin Wars ftw!
    Epic model choices - good luck sir!

  4. I love 'em. Scrawny little bastard orcs. Can't wait to see how they look painted up!

  5. An impressive model count! Looking forward to seeing your different Orky skin tones :)

  6. Nice selection of minis. Those C12 goblins and C15 orcs look great - I'm going to be following your progress with them closely.

  7. Proper horde of greenskin scum. Every model a character.

  8. So many great models here! First time I see the use of Tim Prow's troll, that I am planning to buy since one year... perhaps the time arrived (maybe for OWAC4...)!


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