Thursday, January 30, 2020

Firthy’s chaos horde (205 points)

Well first month down. Not a big haul of figures for me to start things off but it is all part of the plan. Because whilst I haven’t finished many this month I have got a good number of figures nearly completed that will help me in February. Anyway here are the figures I did:

The point values for these are:

- 5 chaos thugs with light armour and double handed weapons - 50 points;
- level 15 wizard - 155 points.

More thugs next month. 


  1. Nice work! Getting ahead is a solid plan.

  2. Second Jeff - it is the best plan to get ahead in the first month!
    Cracking start sir

  3. Always good to get a head start. Looking good!

  4. Nice work! My 7 yr old is reading this with me and he says the Mage is his favourite because you "put lots of detail into it, and it is half pirate (hook hand) and half wizard (staff), so its very creative" - Nothing like the seal of approval from a young hobbyist :)


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