Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sam's Savage Orcs - The one where it was okay until it wasn't... (204.5 points)

So its a bit of tradition for me to lament on how savage the orcs were to me during the months challenge, and for the first time this month I thought it wasn't going to be necessary. Luckily for me though, that isn't the case (and I don't actually have to think about something else to write about whew!😅)

Everything started out swimmingly, I was painting fairly consistently knowing that I wouldn't have the last week in the month due to international travel for work (coincidentally I'm typing this from a hotel room, woohoo... not), then I got sick for a few days, as a result work piled up into the infinite, and did I mention I have two small kids. So it was 11pm the night before I was due to leave in the morning for work and there was half the work to do on every figure. Many hours of power painting later and it was done, as was I...

100 pts: Savage Orc Big Boss, DHW

104.5 pts: 10 x Savage Orcs inc. musician, spear, shield

Total: 204.5 points

A couple of points, 

You'll notice that some of these sculpts are not technically spears, I decided a while back that I wanted to have roughly a 50/50 split of spear and HW in the unit for visual purposes. There are only 4 sculpts in the range for spear and they are all quite similar, so when they line up in bigger units I think they don't really look all that savage any more. Additionally, they are rarer to come across, so breaking the unit up like I'm planning, not only looks better, it was also easier to arrange for.

I was planning on doing some face painting, which I still may add later, but the time constraints threw all "extras" directly out the window. My general idea is to go with some black and white face paint, making simple patterns that are evocative of skulls in a Calavera style. This is to go with the theme that they are 'Da Immortalz', the story of which I will tell once the unit is finished. The black and white theme is reflected in the shields colouring though. I also think the drum face looks a bit boring, so I'm thinking of hitting that with a primitive looking dotted spiral pattern. Hopefully I'll experiment with both of these things next month.

The basing isn't 100% finished as I need to varnish these guys first, and again didn't really have the time to do that. I'll add the tufts and static grass same as my army next month.

Generally, I've also realised that I really need a better set-up for taking the pics, so I'm going to have to have a bit of a think about it. I don't really know anything about cameras, but I have a bunch of people at work that do pro photography, so may be able to rope them in to doing something for me. In fairness to myself though, I did take them at gone 3 in the morning knowing I needed to get up at 6 to go catch a flight... 😭

Anyway, enough of my lamentations, this months is done and I'm back in the challenge, ooooohhh yeeaaahhh!!!! Next month I'm lining up to paint my fav sculpt in the range, bull hat guy, and I'll either finish the spear unit or start on the archers.

Good luck to everyone, looking forwards to checking out some sweet oldhammer paint jobs.



  1. These really stand out. It's going to be a great looking army.

  2. Good looking Orcs! Congrats on making it to the finish line this month, sounds like it was an uphill battle.

  3. Well done on pulling it out the bag in time! Lovely looking metals - what paint did you use for them please?

    1. Thanks man, I use a mix of GW old and new, Vallejo Model Colour and Game Colour. If you let me know what colours you are interested in I can elaborate

  4. oof, absolutely lush- bright, clean and neat. This is going to look top

  5. I like the mix of weapons. As you mention, it suits them as savage orcs. I like the black & white concept, a good contrast to the bright green flesh. I hope you get the time to do the face painting as part of the OWAC -- looking forward to seeing that!

  6. These guys look really good - if you hadn't told a tale of woe, I'd never have thought you did half the work in a frenzy. I can't wait to see the face paint, if you get it done.

    The mixed weapons idea is also great!

  7. Well done for making the deadline, despite all your commitments and setbacks! They look good! The mix of weapons really help avoid a uniform look - much more Savage!

  8. Those are great! I do hope you have time to work in the face I think the warpaint is a great part of the Savage Orcs.

  9. Wow those Orcs came out looking very nice. Great job on them!

  10. Lovely orcs! They take me right back to the Nineties (in a good way)!

  11. You sir are what this competition is all about! Great work getting these to the finish line, and the vibrant green skin tone and those classic red weapons really make them pop.

    Remember that time you gave yourself less than three hours sleep staying up late painting miniatures for a hobby challenge and it was 100% worth it!? Legend.

    1. Thanks dude, I really love this comment it make me smile from ear to ear, and that in itself is one of the reason that this challenge is worth it, we are all in it together and getting feedback like this feels good man

  12. Great to see them getting painted Sam, and they look fantastic mate!

  13. Thats orc skin to be proud of. Congrats for the complete unit of these wildlings.


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