Thursday, January 30, 2020

Lopez's Skeleton Warriors! (283 points)

These are the tales of the skeleton warriors!!

Awwwwww snikety snacks son!! I got some bony bastards all done for the first month -  off to a strong start with a solid 283 points. Skeletons are really easy to paint and I can knock out a bunch of skeletons in a weekend, which is great because January ended up being a super busy real-life month

I was really focused on painting as many skeletons as quickly as possible so I pulled out all the best gadgets. Most of the heavy lifting is done by airbrush and a wash. One quick drybrush and then all that was left was to pick out details.

This intro screams ADHD

Next month..... DEATH RIDERS!!!


  1. Flippin' eyeball banner! Excellent :)

  2. Ray Harryhausen would be proud! Fantastic start to the challenge!

  3. Great start to the challenge! That's a fearsome looking unit. Looking forward to see the death riders!

  4. The old skellie plastics are still gorgeous and this unit looks fantastic!

  5. Yeah the banner and shields really set the unit off - nice work mate :)

  6. Where is the points break down though!? Tsk... ;p

  7. Basing is super cool, would love to know how you did it.

  8. Where is that magnificent background you painted at?

    Digging your Undead dude.


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