Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Glyn's Orc Waaagghhh - Born to be Wild (225 points)

'thud! Mmpphhh..... thud! Mmpphhh.....thud! Mmpphhh..... 

Balgagz appeared from the tree line wiping his dagger on his pelt cloak. In his other hand dangled a strange bundle comprising a ball shape and a tangle of leather straps. 

' Whad e say boss?' Balgagz looked up as he tied a dirty scrap of blue cloth around the bundle and slipped it back into his belt loop. His foetid shaman, Gunky Bungole shuffled over. It was Gunky who'd suggested to Blagagz that using the strange apparatus would be useful when torturing prisoners for more information on the next scrap. 

He'd watched the boss drag the helpless Brettonian squire into the forest and heard the muffled screams and squeals that proceeded the boss's reappearance. Gunky winced. Balgagz was massive and hugely powerful, even for an orc.....the thought of his enormous foot repeatedly connecting with the vulberable squire's hopes for the future made even Gunky squirm. He knew the squire would have talked.....but the ball device would ensure none of his friends nearby would ever hear their doomed friend as he sold them out.....shortly before Balgagz slit his throat! 

'der's anovver gang of dem across da river' he growled, 'C'mon' he snarled across his camp, picking up his collosal axe, 'der's more pretty Bretty boyz to smash!' 

So, this month went exactly to plan and I managed to paint up my warboss and the command group for my unit of big uns. Ive decided to try and stick with the dirty armour and weapons look to my orcs. I think it's more 'real' than the bright and shiny armours etc we always used to see in the pages of White Dwarf when these figures first emerged.

And so, I give you my Warboss Balgagz Gargul, a black orc warboss armed with an axe, wearing light armour and carrying a shield for 143 points.

My big uns command group comprises a boss, together with standard and musician. I'm not overly happy with my boss figure and particularly not his crest....but I'll get better! He weighs in at 36 points with a double handed weapon, wearing light armour and carrying a shield.

The musician is a conversion of a Bloodbowl linebacker. I've added a drum to one hand and (attempted) to fashion a bone club as both a means of beating the drum and opponents. I'm quite pleased with how he's turned out as greenstuff and I have a torturous relationship. He weighs in at 23 points, equipped in the same way as the boss.

I've really enjoyed painting this guy as my standard bearer. The standard is a plastic flag from a later warhammer kit but it just works perfectly for the pose of this figure I think. As I mentioned last month, Gorfang Rotgut will lead this unit and so I had a bash at trying to paint the standard as Gorfang's. I drew the image on in pencil and then had a crack at free handing it. I'm pleased with how it's come out. He also weighs in at 23 points.

The pic below shows the 3 together with Gorfang who will be their unit leader (rest of the unit to come next month 😊)

So this months offering.......a 225 point gang of orcy goodness 💪😀


  1. The banner looks awesome! And the bone drum stick looks like it's always been there. Kudos to you!

    1. Thank you so much 😊 really appreciate it 👍

  2. That is awesome! Great conversion too!

  3. That standard bearer and standard are truly impressive.

  4. Spelling errors are a bugger!!! Try again..... thanks Jeff, I'm glad it seems a popular figure as I had so much fun doing it

  5. Great painting. I really like that standard, and your conversions work really well! I really like your bases, too.

  6. That's a sweet banner. You're making orcs the way they should be :)

  7. Thanks guys. Glad you like them. Feedback always appreciated 👍😊

  8. These are great - love the converted musician and free hand banner :)

  9. Love the orcs! I use a conversion of the black orc with spear converted to a double handed axe as my orc army general. I'm a fiend for the old figs, but I still like to cut them up to make new stuff like I used to see in the old WD articles!


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