Wednesday, February 19, 2020

JamesG's Yeti Hamlet Audition (205pts)

February's selection is a simple group of warriors with their general, and a yeti.  The general is a suitably heroic-looking Foundry viking who abides by 40K law: important people must carry their helmets.  The warriors themselves are Gripping Beast plastic vikings and paint up pretty darn quickly, all things considered.

The second yeti/snow troll in the army is an oddly-posed dude.  He's either swatting at a bi-plane or reciting Shakespearean quotations.  Either way, he ripped the head off a saber tooth tiger and used it for a pauldron, so he can do what he wants.  He's another dollar bin deal from Reaper Bones and cooked up pretty well once he was appropriately primed.  I've actually been pretty surprised with the facial detail on the Bones figs; much better than I would have expected.

The full Feb breakdown:

  • General/Jarl: 100 points
  • 4 Spearmen/Huscarls: 40 points
  • Yeti #2: 65 points
          Total: 205 points


  1. Looks great. I have a bunch of the gripping beast plastic Saxons and they do take paint very well. And, as you said; fast.

  2. Nice job! The group of warriors turned out well, and the yeti looks truly abominable! :-)

  3. That Jarl looks super comfortable knowing he has a Yeti around!

  4. Well done. Particularly like the foundry jarl.

  5. That last yeti.... he looks great but he needs a speech bubble...

  6. Great post to accompany some really atmospheric minis. I particularly like the battered look of the shields on the huscarls, and the overly theatrical yeti is loads of fun :D


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