Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mike's Waaagh Grotgut Introduction Post (1131pts)

Is it that time again, it barely feels like the last one has ended! So for the 4th edition of the challenge had big dreams of a rogue trader Ork force, sadly that wasn't going to happen with only being able to acquire 10 Orks. So what is a man with a plethora of green paint to do! Well the simplest way was go back to the the heady days of OWAC and as they say in the badlands give the Orc's annuver go!

So I dug into my still vast piles of unfinished orcs and made I thought a pretty interesting list using the 4th edition list. As I went to type this post on the last possible day as usual, I decided to review what I did the first time through. Thus I discovered I almost duplicated the list I had the first time with some minor exceptions. So back to the lead cave I went and dug out a more different waagh! I decided it was time to finally paint my personal favorite war wyvern.

and some black orcs are always good...

And some savage orc boar boyz that have been sitting in blisters forever and their less mobile brethren (though I had to buy a command off eBay so I'm waiting for that). ..

and I might as well finally get some various night goblins done since they've only been waiting for 10 years....

So my list is as follows

Black Orc Warlord with heavy armour and shield on a Wyvern 329

10 black orc boyz with extra hand weapon and command 120

10 Savage orc boyz with shields and command 97

5 savage orc boar boyz 175

10 night goblin archers 60

10 night goblin archers 60

3 night goblin fanatics 90

3 night goblin fanatics 90

4 night goblin squig hoppers 100

and maybe if I get everything done with time to spare I'll do some bonus goblin chariots, because there is never enough chariots in a orc and gobbo army right? I mean I'm just checking if there is a number because I think I have 8-9 others already done....

And lastly the offering, which I think will be the color scheme for the black orc unit.

Here's to another OWAC!


  1. Aw yis!
    I love me a monopose unit, so I'll be watching the black orcs like a hawk 😂.
    All the best with them:)

  2. Thanks for the black orcs! I'm looking forward to that Wyvern!

  3. Cool force, good luck with it! That is a rare war wyvern - looking forward to seeing it painted

  4. Lot's of stuff I don't have - nice


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