Thursday, December 31, 2020

RobO's Blood Axe Introduction

 Ok, here we are just a few hours before the deadline and as is typical...I am pounding out something that has been assigned for months in the 11th hour.

I have been cowed by the previous entrants creativeness so I will keep the intro of my "rookie season" project short and sweet.

My army will be a 1000 point 2nd Edition 40K Ork Army focused on the Blood Axe Klan. I have some models still inbound so the list below is really just the 600-ish Core. I am not sure if and when some of the models will arrive, so I am leaving some room for flexibility.

Up front there you'll see what I will be starting in January. 10 "Close Combat" grots. I'll try to squeeze in the RuntHerder and 2 Grot Assistants...that said, I won't even be looking in their direction until the unit is well under way.

I will follow those up with the core Blood Axe component of the list. As this army grows in the future and I will try to grow these to at least two units of 10 of Blood Axe boyz. As it stands I have 3 "official" Blood Axe Boyz and 5 Blood Axe Kommandos.  (There are 3 more boyz on the way, and I hope they are in-hand by February. If not I will replace those short-term by other models in the list. Possibly the sentinel that still needs a Mekaniak's touch.)

I'll also be painting-up a Drill Boss and a unit of Storm Boyz all with jump packs. Depending on what comes when, I may include the Ogryns in the same month...but may need to add some additional big boys to the project to bulk-out the points.

Here are some of the boyz that are currently MIA...including the Warboss which needs to be unconverted once he arrives.

Finally, I am consistent if nothing else, so here is the offering to the OWAC God. I am not a fast painter and started after Christmas. (11th hour)



  1. Look at those two ogryns - lovely stuff!
    Good luck with them, especially those pesky 3point gretchin :)

  2. Thanks, once I get to the SnakeBites...they will be boosted to super grots and cost 6pts iirc.

    Love those Bob Olley Ogryns, if the vehicles don’t materialize, you’ll see more of those beautiful brutes.

    1. Great stuff :)
      If you're in need of a dreadnaught, I've a spare one - either rogue trader ed or 2nd. Hit me up on FB if so :)

  3. Welcome to the challenge! Should be a fun project

  4. Nice models, looking forward to seeing these progress.

  5. I have a soft spot for blood axes in 2nd ed. Can't wait to see these!


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